by Mark Pitstick MA, DC

If you’ve not already, please read . . .

  1. ‘The Great News (article #19 at
  2. ‘Eight Developments for Widespread Conscious Living Now’ (#125)
  3. Greater Reality LIVING Program: Integrating ‘The 8 Developments’ Into Your Daily Life (#72)
  4. Greater Reality HEALING Program: Journeying FROM Deeply Grieving TO Brightly Shining (#82)

The evidence-based information and holistic resources outlined in these articles will help you to:

  • realize your true nature as an eternal being of consciousness / life-force / energy 
  • receive guidance and assistance from highly evolved energies and Source / The Light
  • heal old wounds, release lower energies, and update erroneous teachings
  • create the greatest life YOU have envisioned (YOU = your higher self / soul)
  • help others by sharing your greatest gifts
  • make our world a better place

As enough people do this, widespread personal and planetary change will naturally unfold. 

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Visiting with Your ‘Departed’ Loved Ones NOW

Note #1: For those preparing for an Afterlife Contact session, see information near the end of this article Information and Recommendations.

Note #2: The first term used by Guggenheim and others for this category of afterlife evidence was ‘after-death communication’ (ADC).  However, the term ‘death’ is a misnomer since no one really dies – just the earthly form does.  Further, the word ‘death’ carries inaccurate connotations of ‘an end’ and ‘separation’ for some people.  As such, I propose shifting from ‘after-death’ to ‘afterlife.’  

In addition, I use the term ‘contact’ instead of ‘communication.’  Why?  Because not all ADCs involve communication per se.  For example, some very meaningful dream ADCs involve ‘just’ seeing those who have passed on; they look younger, healthier, and happier.  Eye contact is made and the person on earth awakens feeling more peaceful and assured that their loved ones are very much alive, well, and in contact.  

Another reason I use the term ‘contact’ is for easier translation into other languages.  People worldwide want and need to learn more about afterlife matters; I’m certain the word ‘contact’ is more easily translated than ‘communication’.  For these reasons, I propose using the term afterlife contacts with the acronym ALC.  We are, after all, quite early in the process of understanding the nature of reality.  It’s very important to use the most accurate terms – even if that requires learning new ones and discarding older ones that don’t align with contemporary understandings.

One of the most common questions I receive is, “Why hasn’t my ‘departed’ loved one contacted me yet?”  Other people experience some contact, but ask why there hasn’t been more.  I understand the questions since there is still so much needless worry, fear, and misinformation associated with physical death. 

Developing a new, although different, relationship with those who have dropped their bodies is less difficult than you might think.  They are usually very motivated and very able to establish contact. 

I say ‘usually’ because there might not initially be motivation if the recently ‘deceased’ person was a devout atheist.  He may require time to get oriented and realize that life really continues before learning how to best contact loved ones on earth.  The person may not be able right away if she needs rest and rehab time.  One example might be a very ill drug addict and alcoholic who passed on by suicide. 

Whatever their beliefs or physical / mental condition were when they left earth, they have energy or astral bodies similar to their ones while on earth.  They are also much closer than most imagine.  And, with respect to religious denominations that believe differently, they are not stuck in the ground until some judgment day.  The collective afterlife evidence indicates that consciousness continues seamlessly after bodily death.

Communicating with those who have crossed over is much like talking by phone with family and friends who live in another country.  You can’t see them, but you know they have a body and are still alive.  The main difference is that you hear the voices of those living on earth with your ears.  While communicating with those who graduated from earth-school, you may hear them (1)outwardly with your human sense of hearing as you do with other humans, and (2) telepathically and more subtly with what has been called ‘your mind’s ears.

Emerging SoulPhone communication technology being developed at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona may soon change all that.  To learn more, visit

The following strategies and understandings can enhance your chances of having meaningful afterlife contacts (ALCs):

1. Much clinical, scientific, and experiential evidence shows that physical death is not an end. Further, this data strongly indicates that you will see your loved ones when you pass on and likely can now. Replicated, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal-published, and statistically significant university studies conclude that bodily death is a new beginning into the next phase of life. This evidence – as summarized in my books Soul Proof and Greater Reality Living (coauthored with Gary E. Schwartz, PhD) – can decrease your fear, hopelessness, and other lower energy emotions about bodily death.  And that, in turn, can deepen your realization that life continues after your earthly form perishes.  To learn more about this evidence, see articles #1 Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death Is NOT the End of Life and #60 Clinical Evidence That Life Continues After Bodily Death at

2. ALCs are real and very common. Your loved ones who have changed worlds will quite certainly greet you when you graduate from earth-school. But you don’t have to wait until then to communicate with them.  Just knowing that afterlife contacts are possible is the first step to establishing a real but different relationship with them.  At least 25% of Americans have experienced one or more ALCs.  That number swells to 66% for widows and widowers, and 75% for bereaved parents.  These contacts are not weird or kooky but, rather, very common.  To learn more about ALCs, see Article #28: Afterlife Contacts.  I and eleven consciousness experts – Raymond Moody, Caroline Myss, Anita Moorjani, Gary Schwartz, and others – discuss our understandings about this and other big questions about life in my book The Eleven Questions.  Also featured is my interview with Bill Guggenheim, co-author of Hello from Heaven, a pioneering book about ALCs.  You can also hear these interviews under Radio Shows at   

3. Ask for contact. Wise teachings have said, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ If you feel comfortable doing so, ask, intend, and pray for safe and clear communications with loved ones who have passed on.  Don’t be timid.  Invite them in by name and talk to them aloud to stay focused.  This also lets them know you are taking this seriously.  Just treat them like a real person since they still are.  Set a date and time for you to connect with them and keep the appointment.  They have other things to do so set a time to meet just as you would with someone on earth.  Then start talking, even if you aren’t sure they are there yet.  Their presence may seem to build over time as you sense the reality of a visit.Get into the zone and block out extraneous noises and thoughts.  Talk about anything, just as you would do with a human friend or family member.  Share personal events and ask them questions.  Throughout the day, point out items of interest to them, for example, ‘Oh look, Dad, there’s the restaurant you loved so much.”  As with most things, practice makes perfect.

4. Contacting your loved ones, when done wisely, isn’t dangerous or sinful.  Yes, I know, some people believe differently.  I attended theology school, in part, to learn the best available facts about this and other important topics such as heaven, hell, salvation, God, angels, afterlife etc.Certain chapters of Leviticus – a book in the Old Testament that was written approximately 2500 years ago and has been changed over time —warned against consorting with spirits.  But those same chapters said it was OK to make foreigners slaves for life.  They also warned against cutting one’s hair a certain way, planting more than one type of seed in the same area, and going to temple when menstruating.  That last one, by the way, was punishable by death.

I take the warnings in those chapters seriously, but not literally.  Those ancient teachings may have been given to protect people from malicious and capricious postmaterial persons.  Just as on earth, some beings in other realms are imbalanced and thus mistreat and take advantage of others.  It’s wise to shield yourself with a prayer and intention that only good and God, love and light, and the highest energies will be involved in your ALCs.

Caution about engaging with imbalanced postmaterial persons is warranted, but the average person doesn’t have to worry about ALCs being dangerous when following recommendations in this article.  But trying to contact ‘the dead’ could be dangerous for immature persons in age or mentality, those who abuse alcohol and/or drugs, worship evil, and call in dark spirits.

The word ‘sinful’ originally meant ‘miss the mark’ or ‘to fall short.’  It’s not helpful to label trying to contact ‘departed’ loved ones as sinful; that just creates more fear and ignorance.  It’s more useful to become more informed about this subject.  Then people can, if they choose, attempt communication with their dear ones in wise and responsible ways.

To learn more about this important topic, see article #13 What Is G.O.D. Really Like?, #47 ghosts, evil spirits, and the devil and #83 Am I a Christian?

5. Upgrade your consciousness. To enjoy contact with your loved ones who have transitioned to the next phase of life, get on a similar wavelength as they are enjoying. They are in a realm characterized by higher and finer energies such as love, joy, peace, gratitude, enthusiasm, growth, and service.  How can you upgrade yourself in that direction?  Meditate, pray, spend quiet time in nature, serve others, and focus on the current highest feeling thoughts.  Be grateful for the positives in your life, optimally care for yourself, and fine-tune your body/mind as explained in my book Radiant WellnessDoing this regularly over time – it usually doesn’t happen overnight – can help you be more on the same page as those you are hoping to contact.  You can’t communicate with them via station 111 FM — that broadcasts peaceful and loving programming — if you’re tuned in to station 0.0 AM that focuses on negativity, fear, resentment, regret, and other lower energy emotions.  Make sense? Much evidence indicates that your dear ones who have changed worlds are or – depending on their circumstances at the time of physical death – soon will be very happy, peaceful, joyful, grateful, and enthusiastic as they love, grow, learn, and serve others.  They encourage you to be the same way.  When?  You guessed it – right now.

6. Be aware of subtle communications. You will be disappointed if you expect a totally solid and extended contact – just like while on earth – from loved ones who have reentered the field of all possibilities. Realize that your perceptions of them may seem ethereal, fleeting, or even imaginary at first.  But be patient and persistent, use the information and strategies in this article, and stay alert.  Be aware of feeling their presence, electronic aberrations, lucid dreams, and mysterious occurrences.  To facilitate better contacts over time, be grateful for and enthusiastic about – two of the highest energy emotions – gauzy and fleeting apparitions, meaningful coincidences, and subtle telepathic communications.  Remember: it’s already been scientifically demonstrated that afterlife exists – so relax and release any fears about that.  If you’ve not had any contacts yet, know they are possible and don’t give up.

7. Talk to them as if they are present. Why? Because they probably are.  Your loved ones who have crossed over are not a zillion quadrillion miles away up in the sky somewhere.  Nor are they stuck in the ground until a judging deity deems otherwise.  The origin of those concepts range from the Middle Ages (around 1400 AD) to several centuries B.C.  Your loved ones in spirit are likely very near, especially when you think of them, ask for a visit, or feel their presence ‘out of the blue.’  Continue your relationship by talking to them aloud or in your heart and mind.  Then listen for subtle responses.  Numerous evidential ALCs have been documented by university professors, physicians, and psychologists such the eminent Carl Jung MD.  That is, people sometimes learn – in waking or dream ALCs – information they did not know, but was later authenticated.  You can now trust your senses and release any concerns that it’s crazy.  Sensing the presence of your postmaterial dear ones – even just a little bit – can help you remember this: everything about them, except their no longer needed physical shell – is very much alive and well.

8. Release the pressure. It may not be easy to communicate from one dimension to another. Can you instantly and clearly contact those in other realms?  I can’t.  So don’t put pressure on yourself or your ‘deceased’ loved ones about it.  Worry and fear are lower energy emotions so avoid those.  Instead, focus on gratitude, positive expectancy, and enthusiasm.  Don’t become upset if your initial efforts aren’t fruitful.  That will just create additional pressure and decrease the chance of a successful contact.  As with many pursuits, relaxation and clarity assist success.  Regularly use meditation, prayer, quiet time in nature, yoga, and breathing techniques to achieve this equanimous state.  To learn more about how you can do this, see article #51 Meditation, #82 Journey from ‘Bereaved’ to ‘Shining Light’, and #86 Breathing Peace, Joy, and Vitality Into Your Life,

9. Hold an object of theirs. Some psychics and mediums encourage their clients to bring a personal itemthat belonged to the person they wish to reach. This makes sense since objects can absorb and retain energy.  Holding an object of your loved one who has changed worlds may be another way to enhance connection with them.  Also create an environment that he or she would appreciate and resonate with.  Perhaps flowers, candles, and their photo.  Or – for a sports nut – their baseball glove, soccer ball, cleats, and jersey.  Be creative and consider what setting would make you and they smile and focus on love, peace, joy, and gratitude.

10. Give thanks. When any kind of communication happens, being thankful may make it more likely to happen again. Gratitude and love are considered to be two of the highest energy emotions and closest to the energy of Source.  Focus on the glass being half full and have appreciation for even fleeting, minor, or future contacts.

11. Leave room for the “X” factor. The universe is indescribably vast and magnificent. Your five senses only perceive much less than 1% of reality so realize there is much you cannot grasp.  There is much that humans don’t know about every aspect of life, and that includes the afterlife.  Besides, who doesn’t like a great mystery and adventure story?For example, contact from your loved ones who graduated from earth-school may be delayed for good reasons that you can’t comprehend.  Maybe they are still recharging, healing, or getting oriented to their new abode.  Perhaps they are busy with other tasks and, given your deep connection, know you understand. If you perceived them soon after their parting but haven’t since, they might know you are doing OK.  Or perhaps you are off balance in body / mind / spirit and can’t sense their presence.  Finally, you may have chosen the absence or lack of visits as part of your soul’s plan to become more independent.  The bottom line?  Don’t get too obsessive about it but, instead, trust the power of love.

13. Use the Afterlife Contact technique. I’ve created a powerful way to increase your chances of visiting with loved ones who have crossed over. The deep relaxation / hypnosis in this technique can help you become more calm and clear.  In this audio product, I incorporate some of the strategies from this article.  This creates a holistic experience that can enhance your perception of loved ones whose body died.  For optimal results, do this session in a quiet setting where you won’t be disturbed and follow the other recommendations in the Introduction track.  Feel free to share this technique with close family and friends and, if desired, discuss your experiences afterwards.  To learn more and to order, visit Facilitated Afterlife Contact.

14. Join a Greater Reality Living group. Exciting new technological advances are underway at the University of Arizona’s Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health directed by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD. The goal of the SoulPhone Project is to provide reliable communication technology for two reasons:       a. allow contact with loved ones who have passed on and want to continue contact.     b. enable communication with postmaterial luminaries from every field of study who want to help us and our planet.

The first step is completion of a SoulSwitch® that non-physical beings can use to give yes / no replies.  The next device will be an array of these switches in a SoulKeyboard® that will enable texting and typing.  After that, SoulVoice® is envisioned to allow audio contact – much like talking by phone now – with those in the next phase of life.  After that, SoulVideo® will hopefully enable visits as used on earth via FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom.  To learn more about this emerging technology, visit SoulPhone Overview

Greater Reality Living groups will help people learn the afterlife evidence, internalize the great news, fine-tune themselves holistically, enjoy the many benefits, and consider how to serve others and make our world a better place.  To learn more about these online and, when possible, in person groups, visit Greater Reality Living

Note: Special thanks to Rhonda Eklund Schwartz, BFA, MFA, for permission to share information from her book and presentation at the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies symposium in 2017.  Rhonda is the head research medium at the Laboratory for Advancement in Consciousness and Health and author of Love Eternal: Breakthrough Personal and Scientific Evidence for Life After Death

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Afterlife Contact Session Information and Recommendations


Welcome to the Afterlife Contact technique, a powerful opportunity for continuing wonderful relationships with your ‘departed’ loved ones.  I am sorry for your pain and suffering that can occur after a loved one changes worlds.  However, I am glad that you are awakening to the fact that he / she is alive and well,  you can continue your relationship, and life and love are forever.  It is a sacred honor to share this approach with you.

I give credit to Drs. Brian Weiss, Ken Ring, and Raymond Moody for their training that I synthesized when creating this technique.  I was trained to use deep relaxation with guided imagery in 1979 while completing my master’s degree in clinical psychology and have used it since then.  Deep relaxation / hypnosis allows your brain to quiet down a bit so you can experience the other 99.9% of reality that is usually not perceived by the five senses.  

The good news is that your loved ones who graduated from earth-school are NOT a zillion quadrillion miles away somewhere up in the sky.  They are, or can be, very near.  They also likely can multilocate, that is, be in more than one space-time scenario simultaneously.  As such, you don’t have to worry about your contacts interfering with other aspects of their new life.  You can develop very real, meaningful, and heartfelt relationships with them—even if you didn’t have those before

For more information about the keys below, see articles found at  (Note: I will primarily refer to those who have passed on as postmaterial persons.  That term recognizes that people don’t die, only their earthly body does.  Everything else about them – intelligence, love, personality, memories, preferences, sense of humor, energetic / spiritual body, and much more – continues living in the field of all possibilities.)

 Keys for optimal contact include . . . 

  1. Know that much documented scientific, clinical, and empirical evidence shows that life continues after physical death.  (articles #1 and 6)
  2. Solid evidence indicates that you can likely visit with your loved ones while you’re living on earth.  (articles #9)
  3. Know that Afterlife Contacts (ALCs) are very common; they are not kooky or weird.  ALCs with shared and evidential aspects indicate the authenticity of such experiences.  (article #28)
  4. Before your session, ask, intend, and/or pray for contact with your dear ones who are living in the next phase of life.  Wise spiritual teachings have reminded us, “Ask and you shall receive.”  So be sure to ask.
  5. Be aware that perceptions you detect during FALC sessions will probably be more subtle, ethereal, and fleeting than most earth-bound experiences.  You are contacting beings who no longer need an earth-suit.  As such, your contacts will feel different than your earthly interactions.
  6. Realize that your session might be different than you expect.  Please keep an open mind about who comes through and how. 
  7. Talk to your postmaterial loved ones as if they are present since they probably are.  During a group FALC session, talk to them silently from your heart and telepathically from your mind.  Then listen for subtle responses.
  8. Release any pressure on yourself or them about having a meaningful visit.  Don’t worry if don’t have a meaningful experience, especially if your loved one passed on recently BP and/or you are deeply grieving.  Just relax and enjoy the session.
  9. If you continue to be blocked from a meaningful session, use the Holistic Breathing Technique to release old wounds, needless fears, and erroneous past teachings.  (article #70)
  10. There are several potential reasons for lack of immediate results:a. You may need to do the session a few times before getting good results.  Practice makes perfect and all that.

    b. If your loved one recently transitioned, he / she might still be healing, recharging, or getting reoriented to their new abode.c. Perhaps your patience and faith are being tested . . . by yourself / your soul, not the Creator and Sustainer of all life.


    d. Contact might be delayed for good reasons that you can’t currently understand.    

Benefits of Afterlife Contact Sessions 

  • A deeper and more internalized knowing that no one really dies, that we each are eternal beings of energy, consciousness, and spirit.
  • A greater understanding that death does not end relationships even though it does change them.  This leads to more conscious language as used in this article versus ‘We lost our son’ or ‘She died’ when only her body perished. 
  • Learning practical steps to nurture relationships with your postmaterial loved ones on a daily basis. 
  • The enhanced wisdom, clarity, and peace that naturally flow from an expanded awareness of who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside you always. 

In the past, conventional wisdom about relationships with ‘deceased’ loved ones fell into three categories: 

  • When you die, you die and that’s it: zip, nothing, nada. 
  • ‘The dead know nothing’.  This belief stems from teachings that the soul is stuck in the ground with the body and will be released during some future judgment day.  The statement is taken out of context without understanding the full meaning of the Old Testament book Ecclesiastes.  To learn more about this important point, see  
  • The spirit of departed loved ones goes to a heaven very far away up in the sky or a hell at the deepest core of the earth.  In either case, these ancient teachings implied, they are very far away and you can’t communicate with them. 

Fortunately, we now enjoy a vast amount of contemporary evidence that indicates life continues seamlessly after death.  A vast and varied amount of clinical, scientific, and empirical data supports this view.  These modern and evidence-based understandings show that you can continue an actual, albeit different, relationship with those who have changed worlds.  

During Your Afterlife Contact Session

  1. If you perceive your loved one, you may feel as though you are imagining or making it up.This feeling is very common and not a cause for concern.  Why does it happen?  Even while deeply relaxed, your brain is still judging and evaluating.  Past beliefs that ‘spirit’ communication isn’t possible may ‘color’ your experience, at least initially.  I suggest that you ignore that overly analytical input during the session.
  2. Suspend judgment and trust what pops up and floats in. There are no right or wrong answers and no grading.  You don’t have to share your experience with anyone although that can be helpful.  So just relax and see what happens.
  3. To best enjoy contact with your loved ones who have passed on, get on a similar wavelength by upgrading your consciousness to higher and finer levels. Common ways to do this?  Meditate, spend time in nature, pray, serve others, use conscious language and express gratitude.  Doing this regularly helps your energy be more on the same page, so to speak, as those you are hoping to contact.  You can’t communicate with their station 101.5 FM—with higher, more peaceful, joyous, and loving programming —if you’re tuned in to station 0.1 FM that broadcasts negativity, fear, and sadness. (article #108)
  4. Optimally care for and fine-tune your body / mind.To better perceive non-earthly persons, extend your senses.  A healthy brain, GI tract, hormonal system, and general wellness assists expanding your perception and understanding about the nature of reality.  (article #12)
  5. Because objects can absorb and retain energy, you may want to hold a personal item of the person you wish to reach.
  6. Using multi-sensory perception as much as possible is important.See, hear, feel, and smell any signs from your loved ones.  In addition, get in touch with your inner knowing whether they are present.
  7. You do not have to follow my language since some people can’t, for example, visualize well.If I say ‘see yourself walking down the stairs’ and you can’t, simply replace ‘see’ with feel, hear, or know.
  8. You may perceive visits in a fraction of a second as in a flash or instant download.Alternately, your visits may unfold sequentially over time.
  9. If you like, say a prayer or make a positive affirmation that you will have a positive experience.You might also intend and visualize yourself as being shielded and protected from any lower energy ‘spirits’.  I will include this affirmation before the visits.
  10. Know that FALC sessions are very safe.I’ve conducted it with thousands of people and no one has reported any concern about ‘evil spirits’.
  11. Remember that ‘practice makes perfect’ if you don’t have a great experience the first time.About 70% of people do but no worries if you don’t.
  12. You can visualize your spiritual support team – angels, guides, master teachers, the Light – in any form you like. For example, your angels could have wings and long hair.  Or they could appear as energetic beings in blue, purple, and violet colors.
  13. Similarly, you can sense your postmaterial loved ones in any way you like: as they appeared just before they graduated from earth-school, as they appeared at a special time for you, or as beings of multicolored light and energy.
  14. Be aware of an area of your body that has the most openness to receiving contact.  This more receptive area may have been preplanned with your loved ones before coming to earth.
  15. Before starting the session, consider the person(s) and/or pet(s) you prefer to visit, but be open to who actually comes through.

    Relaxation Process and Session
  • We’ll start with Jacobsen’s contraction / relaxation technique where you alternately tighten, then relax major muscle groups with my guidance. 
  • Keep your mouth opened slightly throughout the session so your facial muscles are deeply relaxed. 
  • Use diaphragmatic breathing: your abdomen bulges out as you inhale, then inward as you exhale. 
  • After you are deeply relaxed, you’ll have an opportunity for 3 five-minute “visits” with the same person or different ones. 
  • If you want to fully experience this technique, it’s better to “stay with me” and focus on my voice and guidelines.  However, you may experience something even better; follow that if your inner knowing recommends that. 
  • If the details of any experience are too sad, painful, or scary in any way, you don’t have to continue that visit.  However, no one has described a lower-energy visit.  To the contrary, participants report high levels of love, peace, and joy.
  • If you develop an itch, ignore it at first.  However, if it persists, just scratch it.  It’s better to move a bit than have some physical distraction.  Similarly, shift in your chair if you’re not physically comfortable.  (Feeling and addressing these minor discomforts doesn’t mean you aren’t deeply relaxed.) 
  • Any outside noises needn’t interfere with your deeply relaxed state but, in fact, can further deepen it.  Ditto if you have to cough, sneeze, or clear your throat. 

Recommendations BEFORE Your Afterlife Contact Session

  1. Thank, honor, and recognize the presence of unseen visitors and spiritual helpers.(During ceremony, Native Americans sometimes left an empty seat to symbolize the very real existence of otherworldly loved ones.  You might want to do the same.)
  2. Be fully rested since this deep relaxation technique is very conducive to sleep.
  3. Eat a light meal beforehand so you aren’t hungry or have low blood sugar.
  4. Avoid excess caffeine or sugar for 24 hours before the session.Avoid any alcohol or recreational drugs for at least three days before the session.
  5. If you like, have a personal object of the “deceased” person near you.
  6. Get as relaxed as possible before the experience and:a. Wear comfortable clothing that will not bind as you lie still for 45 minutes.

    b. Use lip salve to prevent dry lips during the prolonged open-mouth breathing.


    c. Drink water and use the bathroom just before your session. 

    d. Turn off phones, pagers, or other potentially interrupting devices.e. If others are in your home, ask them to not interrupt you or make noise.f. Secure pets for the same reasons as (e).

  7. Remember to set an intention to experience contact from those you desire to visit. But be open to with whom and how those visits come in.

Future Home Use of Afterlife Contact Sessions

  • You can use this session at home by yourself or with trusted family and friends. 
  • You can audio-record your experience and review your answers later.  (I don’t recommend this the first few times you do this session since verbalizing aloud might interfere with an optimal contact.) 
  • After doing the session several times, you can generate a list of questions to ask your postmaterial visitors.  Consider this list to be preferences, not must haves, so you are open to whatever experience flows in. 

 Recommendations for AFTER the Session

  1. Enjoy quiet time to internalize your experiences and the accompanying benefits.
  2. Be careful and really focus if you drive soon afterwards.
  3. Stay alert in the days and weeks after your session to capture meaningful dreams, signs, synchronicities, and spontaneous memories.
  4. Keep a journal to note these signs so you can review later.*       *       *       *       *       *       *

Thank you for telling others about this article!  Your life, and that of others around you, will be more enriched when you:  

  1. read the article again so you really know it.
  2. discuss with close family and friends to more deeply internalize it.
  3. take action steps that seem right for you.
  4. share it with others via social media, discussion groups, and other ways.

Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
author, lecturer, counselor, and holistic chiropractic physician; spokesperson, research assistant, and strategic planner for the SoulPhone Project; founder of Greater Reality Living, Healing, Helping, and Sharing Programs

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is a master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, and clinical nutritionist.  He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings.  His goal is to help you know and show that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity. 

To learn more about the Greater Reality LIVING, HEALING, HELPING, and SHARING Programs, visit ‘Greater Reality Programs’ top tab at and  Also see  articles #19, 72, 82, 119, 122, and 125 at provides many FREE resources:

  • 8 e-books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
  • 10 audio programs Holistic Breathing; Afterlife Contact; Ask Your Soul, Angels, and The Light; Pre-Birth Planning; Identify and Fulfill Your Purposes AND Enjoy Your Greatest Life; Your Life Review; Appreciate, Realize, and Transform; Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness; Past Life Regression; Heal and Transform Your Suffering
  • 4 audio books (Greater Reality Living, Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, and Shining Light Parents Speak; we don’t have control over the others)
  • 125 Articles (as of 3/1/25) answering the most commonly asked questions and providing holistic solutions for your toughest challenges
  • 25 Radio Shows: interviews with experts on consciousness, afterlife, and creating an optimal earthly experience. These include Wayne Dyer, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton, Caroline Myss, and others. 
  • 27 Videos on different pages
  • Monthly newsletters (subscriber sign-up at bottom of each website page)

Instead of payment, he asks that you: (1) fully use and appreciate the products, (2) share them with others, and (3) help others in ways you feel called, that is, pay it forward.

The following are also available for a fee:

  • 8 printed books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
  • Coaching / Counseling Sessions with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your biggest questions and holistic solutions to your toughest challenges.

Note: This article is intended as a reference source, not to replace professional treatment for physical, emotional, or mental problems.  The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the voluntary use of action steps discussed in article. 

I created this article while ‘wearing the hat’ of a clinician, counselor, and educator.  My statements are based upon some scientific research; much clinical and experiential evidence; my personal experiences; and my best current understandings.  This program does not reflect my roles with the SoulPhone Project since those require solid scientific data for all statements.