by Mark Pitstick MA, DC
If you’ve not already, please read . . .
- ‘The Great News‘ (article #19 at
- ‘Eight Developments for Widespread Conscious Living Now’ (#125)
- Greater Reality LIVING Program: Integrating ‘The 8 Developments’ Into Your Daily Life (#72)
- Greater Reality HEALING Program: Journeying FROM Deeply Grieving TO Brightly Shining (#82)
The evidence-based information and holistic resources outlined in these articles will help you to:
- realize your true nature as an eternal being of consciousness / life-force / energy
- receive guidance and assistance from highly evolved energies and Source / The Light
- heal old wounds, release lower energies, and update erroneous teachings
- create the greatest life YOU have envisioned (YOU = your higher self / soul)
- help others by sharing your greatest gifts
- make our world a better place
As enough people do this, widespread personal and planetary change will naturally unfold.
“Ghosts” / Interim Postmaterial Persons
Some people are worried about or very afraid of ‘ghosts’. I’ll share my current understandings based on contemporary information.
Interim-Postmaterial Person (interim-PMP) is my recommended term for ‘ghost.’ I know, it’s new and cumbersome but much more accurate. Newer terms based on contemporary understandings help you release archaic and erroneous notions associated with older terms. Interim-PMP refers to people whose human bodies have died, but haven’t yet moved into the Light. Following bodily death, their energy / focus may be more on earth or between earth and the next phase of life.
That interim-PMPs exist is supported by some clinical data. In the video documentary Sightings: The Ghost Report, paranormal researcher Tony Cornell of Cambridge University stated: “There’s a lot of fraud in this, a lot of imagination, a lot of wishful thinking. But when you strip that all out, there’s about 20% hard core stuff that’s exceedingly difficult to explain.”
In the Sightings documentary, Kerry Gaynor – an investigator at the UCLA paranormal research lab – said that seeing ghosts has been reported in all cultures since the beginning of time. He stated, “Research of photographic evidence has produced many hoaxes, but a handful of pictures defy explanation.” Some of Gaynor’s photos were featured in Popular Photography, the only alleged ghost pictures ever presented in that respected magazine at that time.
About 20% of Americans say they have experienced a ‘ghost’ contact while 50% believe in them. There are well-done scientific studies at universities, for example UCLA and Cambridge, that show something is going. The research primarily records aberrations of light in videos or photographs as shown in the respected magazine Popular Photography. As such, there are some indications of this phenomenon.
An NBC broadcast reported on “The Stately Ghosts of England.” Professional photographers set up infrared movie cameras in a castle with a history of ghost sightings. Captured on film was a shaft of light clearly emerging from one door, traveling down a short hallway, and entering another door. One researcher stated, “All the lighting conditions were controlled, windows were blacked out, there was no possibility of moonlight or car headlights coming through. When we saw the stuff later, there was a shaft of light which to me is completely unexplainable.” Decades later, this paranormal phenomenon is still unexplained.
One theory about ‘ghosts’ is that some people don’t enter the Light after dying for reasons listed below. Another view is that they are echoes or reflections of negative energies that can be associated with a house, piece of furniture, or other physical object. Since people – whether living on earth or elsewhere – are fundamentally manifestations of energy, I consider these seemingly differing views to be largely a matter of semantics.
Interim-PMPs may exist temporarily between earth and the next phase of life because:
- While in human form, they had little or no belief in afterlife. This may be due to bizarre religious teachings that make a person reject any notion of God or afterlife. As discussed, there can be a temporary carry-over of earthly beliefs after bodily death. For those who believe there is no afterlife, that may be their initial experience. Forever, however, is a very long time. Eventually they are very likely to notice they are still conscious and agree with Descartes’ proposition, “I think, therefore I am.”
- A violent or sudden death occurred and they were in shock when they passed on. As a result, they may not have seen the Light or decided to not enter it. The stronger the spiritual foundation while on earth, the more people are prepared for such occurrences. That’s why religions advise us to build our houses / lives on granite (resolute knowledge of God, afterlife, love, etc.) versus shifting sand (lack of knowing who we really are). Gandhi, for example, knew where he was going as he repeated a word for the Divine as he lay dying from gunshot wounds.
- Concern about earthly loved ones is another motivation for not entering the Light. The PMP may want to watch over those ‘left behind’ and send comfort and messages. ‘Souls’ with higher energies may be able to operate with love, peace, and joy whether they are living on earth, in the Light, or in between. Those with less evolved energies may, however, be afraid or anxious during this netherworld time.
- Fear about the quality of their afterlife may cause recently ‘departed’ persons to pause before moving away from the earth plane. Those who seriously consider the possibility of an eternal hell may understandably hesitate to enter the next phase of life. The ‘betwixt and between’ state as an interim PMP may provide time for processing and releasing old fear-based religious beliefs.
- Needing time to ponder may be another reason why recently ‘deceased’ persons delay entering the Light. They may just want ‘to chill’ and survey things, especially if they just left a chaotic or anxious setting. Perhaps their temporary ‘between worlds’ experiences are adaptive for karmic or growth reasons, or to help others in ways we can’t understand.
- Strong negative emotions such as jealousy, guilt, or anger existed at the time of passing on. Interim PMPs may not have wanted to enter the Light because their focus was on revenge, anger, hatred, fear, and other negative emotions. As such, they weren’t ready to move into the next phase of life. But they can change their hearts and minds whenever they are ready.
- Addictions to excessive food, materialism, sex, alcohol, drugs, sports, etc. existed at the time of bodily death. The recently deceased person feared they couldn’t get ‘their fix’ in the afterlife so they avoided moving on.
The term ‘ghost’ has strongly engrained meanings of a distraught dead person who can hurt you or at least cause you to run into walls and fall down stairs. Some people enjoy being a little scared by ghost stories and haunted houses, but many children and some adults are terrified by them. These fears are needless when simple precautions are taken, for example, praying and intending that you are always aligned with good and God, love and Light. With this layer of protection, you don’t have to worry about them interfering while you’re having an after-death communication. (article #9)
Can an interim-PMP hurt you? From my perspective, the answer is ‘no,’ they cannot, but they can scare you: your hair may stand on end, you may get cold chills, run into a wall, or fall down stairs. However, that’s not a ‘ghost’ hurting you – that’s you hurting yourself. While living on earth, it’s wise to protect yourself with prayer and intentions. Likewise, it’s smart to be cautious and shield yourself when interacting with ‘spirits’.
A visiting postmaterial loved one may be mistaken for an interim-PMP because of engrained fearful beliefs. What is the difference between those souls and dear ones who visit during after-death communications? Visitations by ‘ghosts’ may feel scary or sad, be accompanied by physical coldness, and continue for longer times. Their energy is characterized as being slower, looking darker, and feeling hopeless.
Postmaterial loved ones who visit during ADCs, on the other hand, usually make briefer visits and exude energies of peace, love, and joy. They are not stuck between realms; they are just visiting to relay comfort and hope. Recipients of ADCs consider them to be sacred and are often transformed by the experience.
What seem to be ‘ghost’ encounters may be misperceptions due to fear, sadness, or other limiting emotions. ‘Helen’ from Germany shared the following fascinating story about this:
For three months after my son-in-law passed over, there was an eerie sense of cold about the house. I heard heavy footsteps outside my bedroom window and encountered many sleepless nights due to being poked and pulled at. I knew deep inside who it could be, but chose to ignore it and pray that tonight would be the night that I would get some rest. This was not to be and finally I had enough.
I looked at his photo with tears streaming down my face and said to him, “Okay, baby, I know there’s something wrong and I will find someone who can help so that you can be at peace.”
As soon as I said that, the room felt suddenly warmer and brighter and a peace came over me that I can’t really explain. He had passed over so quickly and tragically that he had unresolved issues and hadn’t accepted his physical death. He only wanted somebody to help him and if I wasn’t so keen on denying his presence, I could’ve helped him sooner. I found a medium to help send him into the Light. Those incidents never occurred again.
Beings in this sort of netherworld sounds like purgatories described by some religious denominations. My understanding is that such souls can enter the Light anytime they choose.
* * * * * * *
Thank you for telling others about this article! Your life, and that of others around you, will be more enriched when you:
- read the article again so you really know it.
- discuss with close family and friends to more deeply internalize it.
- take action steps that seem right for you.
- share it with others via social media, discussion groups, and other ways.
Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
author, lecturer, counselor, and holistic chiropractic physician; spokesperson, research assistant, and strategic planner for the SoulPhone Project; founder of Greater Reality Living, Healing, Helping, and Sharing Programs
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is a master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, and clinical nutritionist. He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings. His goal is to help you know and show that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.
To learn more about the Greater Reality LIVING, HEALING, HELPING, and SHARING Programs, visit ‘Greater Reality Programs’ top tab at and Also see articles #19, 72, 82, 119, 122, and 125 at provides many FREE resources:
- 8 e-books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
- 10 audio programs Holistic Breathing; Afterlife Contact; Ask Your Soul, Angels, and The Light; Pre-Birth Planning; Identify and Fulfill Your Purposes AND Enjoy Your Greatest Life; Your Life Review; Appreciate, Realize, and Transform; Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness; Past Life Regression; Heal and Transform Your Suffering
- 4 audio books (Greater Reality Living, Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, and Shining Light Parents Speak; we don’t have control over the others)
- 125 Articles (as of 3/1/25) answering the most commonly asked questions and providing holistic solutions for your toughest challenges
- 25 Radio Shows: interviews with experts on consciousness, afterlife, and creating an optimal earthly experience. These include Wayne Dyer, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton, Caroline Myss, and others.
- 27 Videos on different pages
- Monthly newsletters (subscriber sign-up at bottom of each website page)
Instead of payment, he asks that you: (1) fully use and appreciate the products, (2) share them with others, and (3) help others in ways you feel called, that is, pay it forward.
The following are also available for a fee:
- 8 printed books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
- Coaching / Counseling Sessions with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your biggest questions and holistic solutions to your toughest challenges.
Note: This article is intended as a reference source, not to replace professional treatment for physical, emotional, or mental problems. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the voluntary use of action steps discussed in article.
I created this article while ‘wearing the hat’ of a clinician, counselor, and educator. My statements are based upon some scientific research; much clinical and experiential evidence; my personal experiences; and my best current understandings. This program does not reflect my roles with the SoulPhone Project since those require solid scientific data for all statements.