by Mark Pitstick MA, DC

You deserve to enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned.  (The word ‘YOU’ denotes your higher self / consciousness.  I make this distinction because what your soul wants may be different than what your earthly brain desires.)

This ‘greatest life’ involves higher energies, emotions, and ways of being: love, joy, peace, compassion, fulfillment, enthusiasm, gratitude, and enlightenment.  Those are more than temporary feelings; those energies reflect who you really are.

Some people think their greatest life would be all about wealth, fame, sexual gratification, materialism, and youthful and beautiful appearance.  Those and other enjoyable aspects of life are fine when balanced with higher energies.  However, satisfaction from only that list is fleeting and unfulfilling. 

Ideally, creating the greatest life you have envisioned can be a combination of earthly success AND higher-energy living. But the latter is much more important and sustainable no matter what your past and current outward circumstances.   

You can’t take wealth, material objects, trophy spouse, etc. with you when your earthly body dies. However, you do take higher energies, emotions, and ways of being since those become part of who and what you really are. Many material persons – humans living on earth – want things to be easy, safe, and comfortable. But many souls – that are more in touch with the greater reality – are more interested in learning, growth, and adventures.

Note: Articles mentioned are free at  Books and audio programs are available at

WHAT Is the Greatest Life of Your Dreams?
This will vary widely since everyone is unique. In addition, what constitutes your greatest life will change through developmental stages. However, even while on the threshold of bodily death, you can experience high levels of love, peace, fulfillment, and the other sublime energies. 

That’s why it’s important, as The Bible puts, to not store your treasures where moths and rust can destroy or thieves can steal.  It’s wise to ‘seek first the kingdom of God’ – to recognize what is ultimately meaningful and focus on that. 

What does your greatest life look, sound, and feel like? Please take a few moments, close your eyes, and let that float up into your awareness. Realize that you can incrementally create and deserve it. It’s not selfish to want a wonderful life since you can help others the most when you are enjoying the highest energy ways of being. 

Then, while relaxed, consider specifics about how the greatest life would be:

  1. Would you like more loving and happy relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and a significant other? 
  1. Do you want more prosperity and abundance in your life?
  1. How would your physical and mental health be?
  1. What lifework would you do, at least part-time, that is meaningful and rewarding?
  1. What level of emotional and spiritual development do you envision.

You get the idea.  Now consider other aspects of life that are important to you.  Two of my audio programs can help you become more clear about your greatest life and how to move in that direction. 

       *  Identify and Fulfill Your Purpose AND Enjoy Your Greatest Life (article #21)

       *  Ask Your Soul, Angels, and The Light to discern your and their wise guidance (article #71)

Both techniques use deep relaxation and guided imagery to quiet your brain that perceives less than 1% of reality.  These techniques allow you to recall what your essence / total self knows very well.

HOW Can You Create the Greatest Life of Your Dreams?
Doing this is usually involves positively transforming physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life.  Over time, your greatest life naturally flows in since that is your birthright and nature.  Information and resources discussed in this article can help you do this.  It’s also very helpful to have a holistic team as discussed in article #87 Natural Health Care.

WHEN Should You Start?
That depends on how motivated you are to create your greatest life.  People who are awakening to the greater reality are often like sponges who thirst for new information and strategies.  Other factors include: ‘Do you love yourself?  Have you internalized ‘The Great News’?  Do you know, without a doubt, that you deserve to experience an optimal earthly experience?’  The more your answers to these questions are YES, the more likely you will want to get started as soon as possible. 

On the other hand, you might be at a stage in your life where you aren’t ready to create your greatest life.  Maybe your belief system is that you need to hit rock bottom before you’ll change.  Perhaps you think that you don’t deserve to be truly happy and healthy.  Eternity is a very long time so there’s no pressure, but a much more wonderful life awaits when you are ready.

Knowing ‘The Great News’ and Living Accordingly

You automatically attract your greatest life by regularly focusing on ‘The Great News’ and living in accordance with these indicators about the nature of reality.   Doing this involves choosing –  day by day and moment to moment – higher-energy thoughts, word, and actions.  The following benefits have been reported by many people who do this over time:

  1. less fear about bodily death
  1. certainty you will see your postmaterial loved ones again
  1. deeper knowing you’re an integral part of Source Energy
  1. understanding you have everything you need to survive and even thrive through life’s toughest challenges
  1. more wisdom about life’s existential questions
  1. clarity and courage to follow your highest callings
  1. trusting your inner wisdom and personal experiences
  1. enhanced peace and acceptance about life’s changes
  1. greater appreciation for and care of your body
  1. loving and making yourself a priority
  1. awareness of and gratitude for Higher Assistance
  1. excitement about an eternity of loving service, adventure, growth and enjoyment

Let’s look at each of these in more detail . . .

1. Less fear about bodily death
Some people fear that life ends after they die, but you now know this is not the case. Yes, the human body obviously dies but that’s a mere fraction of who and what you really are.

In my radio interview with Dr. Wayne Dyer, I asked: “What do you tell parents with children who die?” Dyer answered, “That there is no death; that’s not a possibility. Our true essence is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Self-actualizing people get over death almost as if it didn’t happen, because for them it doesn’t happen. Once you see that, you realize you can never be separate from them. There’s a sacred hoop that connects all of us.”

Some people fear death because of fear-based preaching that they may suffer in a fiery ‘hell’ forever. They understandably fear what may be the prelude to possibly frying for eternity. This concern is needless for a number of reasons; we’ll mention just one here.

Middle Eastern words had rich and varied meanings. Aramaic was the language prevalent in the region that birthed three major religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Primary Aramaic meanings for the words ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ were how you feel after the earthly body dies and you go through a passageway and sort out your life.

If you treated others lovingly most of the time, you feel more heavenly. If you excessively mistreated others, you experience hellish feelings. ‘Heaven and hell’, then, conveyed states of consciousness after bodily death. However, along the language bridge from Aramaic to English – often via Hebrew, Greek, and German – those terms became mistaken as literal places: one way up in the sky, the other deep down in the earth.

Fast forward to the extensive clinical research on near-death experiences. Many thousands of people have reported life reviews in which they not only saw, but also felt the good or bad they did to others. Afterwards, many of them knew that ‘heaven and hell’ were best understood as the predictable consequence of their cumulative thoughts, words, and actions.  It is very impressive that such similar descriptions about the afterlife arose from millennia-old religious teachings and modern day clinical findings.

Finally, some people fear the process of dying. They may know that life does not end, but are concerned about prolonged suffering and loss of dignity before transitioning from earth. This is understandable but sad and preventable. Any pet with a good owner doesn’t have to worry about that. Why must people?

We recently had to euthanize Lila, our beloved old and infirm cat.  Just before an injection provided a painless and timely passing, the veterinarian said, “I only hope that I can die this peacefully when it’s my time.” 

I heartily agree, especially given the clear evidence that life continues after the human bodies ends. One of our hopes is that survival of consciousness evidence will bring end-of-this-life care into the 21st century. Three reasons why people often suffer greatly and slowly waste away before passing on include:

a) profit considerations

b) religious dogma

c) fear of death

Factor (a.) is under your control by using a Living Will, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, and Comfort Care / Hospice.  These approaches halt life-saving procedures when there is little or no chance of extended quality of life. There are U.S. states and countries where physician-assisted euthanasia is legal.  Visit for an extensive reading list by top health care, legal, spiritual, and ‘end-of-this-life’ experts.

You may have to be assertive with health care providers when it is time for you or a loved one to have ‘a good death’.  When Mark’s eighty-year-old dad with a terminal condition was dying, he was given medication for low blood pressure even though he had a DNR order. He suffered for another ten days afterwards and – big clue here – an astronomical medical bill resulted. 

Several close friends have been yelled at by doctors for not wanting heroic measures for ninety-year-old relatives who had serious diseases, suffered for a long time, and didn’t want life-sustaining procedures.  “Don’t you love your mother?” one irate physician said, “We are trained to never give up on people.”

Factor (b.), religious dogma, is also under your control as you release archaic and fear-based religious teachings that no longer make sense to you.  Having more open-minded and loving spiritual resources will connect you with pastors and resources that recognize the importance of a timely death with dignity.

Obviously, you can now cross factor (c.), fear of death, off the list.

Here are real-life testimonials from people helped by learning the evidence that life continues after bodily death:

“I’m eighty-five-years old and, like most people, have had experiences we do not understand. You have helped me accept the death of my loved ones and believe I will soon be seeing them again.  I have always believed in a life after this one; it helps to know there is good evidence for that.”

“I was blessed to sit with my mother-in-law during her passing and share the good news that you teach. It seemed to ease her dying hours and also be of comfort to my father-in-law. What I’ve learned leaves me with the conviction that there is indeed life after death. Thank you.”

“I have learned so much from your books; God bless you. I have always looked at death as a transition from plane to plane and body to body. It is hard for me to go to funerals and see people weeping and grievously mourning their dead.  My inner voice is calling out to them, ‘You should be celebrating her death instead of crying. She has gone back home to be with her beloved.’ At least that is how we Sikhs look at death and what I have learned in our religion and scriptures.”

2. Certainty you will see your postmaterial loved ones again
Much evidence indicates that you can enjoy a wonderful reunion with dear ones after your earthly body dies. Sources of this evidence include documented near-death experiences, authentic mediums, and life between lives regressions.

This is, clearly, a huge reassurance to those with loved ones whose human forms have ended. Knowing you will see them again means that bodily death is not a goodbye, just a see you later. And that, our friends, makes all the difference in the world. Here’s how two parents described it:

“I am reading your book as I sit next to my son’s gravesite on the first anniversary of his passing. The last year has been quite difficult. Today, though, I feel a sense of peace as I sit with him. I learned a term at your presentation that helped           me immensely: ‘He just dropped his earthly body.’ I know now what is beneath the ground is just a physical shell he no           longer needs. His soul lives on in Heaven; he is happy and I know I will definitely see him again. Thank you!”

“I am profoundly moved by the overwhelming evidence you and your colleagues have collected. You have given me so much information to refer to when doubt and fear creep in. I know my soul has great potential for growth as a result of my            sweet daughter’s graduation from earth-school. I believe with all my being I will see her again and am grateful for the renewed hope.”

However, you don’t have to wait until your body perishes to enjoy a different but continuing relationship with your postmaterial loved ones. Many people have experienced meaningful visits with their family, friends, and pets who have changed worlds. To review, ways to do this are:

a. spontaneous afterlife contacts (article #28)

b. sessions with authentic evidential mediums (article #6)

c. Afterlife Contact Technique (article #9)

d. Induced ADCs (

e. Mirror Gazing Technique developed by Raymond Moody MD, PhD (

In addition, SoulPhone devices are expected to allow texting, talking with, and seeing postmaterial persons.  For updates, visit and sign up for the free e-newsletter.

Over the years, I have received or heard many afterlife contact stories from people around the world. Here are two examples:

The husband of a patient passed on two years earlier after a long bout with cancer. This woman, an agency director with unquestionable integrity, reported: “I was sitting in my recliner after breakfast watching the early morning news. I felt a presence and looked to my left. My husband Jack was standing by my chair. He looked so young, healthy and happy. His body appeared as solidly as any person I’ve ever seen. He leaned down and, soft as a feather, kissed me on the lips. Then he was gone. The visit lasted only about 10 seconds, but totally assured me that he is alive and well and we will see each other again.”

Jim, a retired military officer with a PMP-father, was living on the U.S. west coast. Jim was awakened from sleep by the mattress being pushed down. He sensed his dad’s presence and later felt his leg pushed over as if to make room for someone to sit by him. Two days later, Jim called his brother who lived on the east coast. His brother experienced the very same events on the same night around the same time. In addition, he saw his father and heard his voice.

Recipients of afterlife contacts often have no control over if, when, and how contacts occur. For this reason, I created the Afterlife Contact Technique that uses deep relaxation, visual imagery, and guidance. This approach often allows perceiving the presence of postmaterial dear ones. Many people have reported meaningful experiences: feeling a loved one stroke their hair and hold their hand, conveying important messages, and helping them remember how to smile again.

Read article #9 Visiting with ‘Departed’ Loved Ones Now to learn how to sense those who are now in a different part of the field of all possibilities. Most of the tips are simple, for example, talk with them as though they really are with you since they likely are. Talk with them, even about trivial matters, throughout the day since they want to stay in touch and are still part of the family. Set a day and time when you would like to visit with them. Hold an object of theirs, relax as much as possible, and begin talking. Listen for subtle responses in your chest or head. (I thank Rhonda E. Schwartz MFA, a highly skilled research medium, for these tips.)


3. Deeper knowledge you are an integral part of Source Energy

After an NDE, people often report: “We are each one with the One and part of Source.” These statements are especially impressive when reported by documented NDErs, those who perceived and accurately described details in and around the hospital while clinically dead.

Joseph Campbell, the brilliant scholar and author about sacred traditions, stated in An Open Life: “The divine lives within you. The separateness that is apparent in the phenomenal world is secondary. Beyond, and behind, and within and supporting that world is an unseen but experienced unity and identity in us all.”

During my radio interview with Aramaic scholar Neil Douglas-Klotz Ph.D., author of The Hidden Gospels, he stated: “The root words for God were Eloha or Alaha from the Hebrew Elohim. All these words meant unity, sacred unity, or one Being-ness. The Jewish or Aramaic notion of the Divine was not a being sitting somewhere, but a unity of which our being is a part. Both Jesus and the Hebrew prophets before him shared this bigger picture of the Divine. That’s quite different from our Western conception.”

Professor of religion and author Marcus Borg Ph.D. said all major religions of the world suggest the Divine is an encompassing Spirit that is part of everyday life. He described this as panentheism: Creator as not only transcendent and beyond human experience, but also immanent or dwelling within all of us.

Rev. Matthew Fox, spiritual theologian, Episcopal priest, and founder of Creation Spirituality, wrote over twenty books. He rejected the concept that “God is way out there someplace, as far away as he can get.” Instead, Fox stated, “God is in the midst of everything that’s bubbling, everything that’s vital. And that is panentheism – to see God in all things.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson described finding cosmic oneness in nature: “I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.”

The documentary Awake showed footage of Paramahansa Yogananda, the film’s subject and author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Referring to a movie projector that sends an image through the air and onto the viewing screen, he stated: “Just like the beam of a motion picture, so is everything made of shadows and light. That’s what we are, light and shadows of the Lord.”

I share quotes from these teachers to help you better understand the nature of All That Is and your inextricably interconnected relationship to It.

If you don’t yet have a meaningful relationship with the Ground of All Being, take a moment to ask for that. Spend time in meditation, nature, conscious breathing, and prayer to calm your brain’s over-analyzing. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover that the Light is within and all around you. Deeply knowing this increases your certainty that you are an ageless being.

As discussed by Jeffrey Moses in Oneness: Great Principles Shared by All Religions, the theme of the Divine within is echoed by the world’s religions:

  • Hinduism: “God bides hidden in the hearts of all.”
  • Shintoism: “Do not search in distant skies for God. In man’s own heart is He found.”
  • Sikhism: “Even as the scent dwells within the flower, so God within thine own heart ever abides. Seek Him with earnestness and find Him there.”
  • Christianity: “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, ‘Lo, here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
  • Confucianism: “What the undeveloped man seeks is outside; what the advanced man seeks is within himself.”

Many gifts accompany the realization that you are an integral part of Life Itself right now. Most of all, you can increasingly develop a heartfelt desire – not fear or obligation – to take the high road with every thought, word and deed.

As Tina, a workshop attendee, wrote: “I wanted to let you know how much your seminar touched my life. I feel a sense of peace I’ve not felt before. My old religion made me feel like I was always on the outside looking in. Now I know I am a beautiful being who is worthy and deserves to be happy! Thank you so much.”


4. Understanding you have everything you need to survive and even thrive through life’s toughest challenges

How would you live if you knew you have everything you need to handle all life’s changes with style? Then do it, because you do.

Just before closing his eyes for the last time in this  earthly experience, my dad shared wise words with family members. One of his statements was, “When I was young, I heard the saying ‘God will never put more on your shoulders than you can carry.’ Sometimes as I went through life, that didn’t seem to be true. But now, as I look back, I can see it is.”

You have no doubt heard or read accounts of people who triumphed despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds. These stories demonstrate what is possible under tough circumstances and provide a bigger picture perspective of how strong and capable we each can be.

Helen Keller, who achieved great success despite being blind and deaf, said: “Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at all.” Her remarkable statement speaks volumes. If she could maintain that perspective and make extraordinary achievements, you can too.

With an enlightened viewpoint, every aspect of life – even the sad and difficult parts – can be seen as an opportunity to demonstrate your true nature. You can adopt the default belief that you have everything you need to survive and thrive no matter what life serves up. You can also choose to believe – based on good evidence – that Universe is totally supportive, fair, and caring.  Those core beliefs, in turn, engender greater faith, empowerment, and positive expectancy.

Your vision can expand to see things more like G.O.D. does. Your energy can be a greater reflection of the Light. Your life can improve as you maintain wisdom, peace and clarity during difficulties. For example, when the following occur, you can automatically take the high road:

  • When a loved one passes on: “She is experiencing a different slice of life now. I look forward to seeing her again soon.”
  • When a relationship ends: “Our time together has come to an end for now. But life and love do not end so perhaps we will cross paths again someday.”
  • When financial loss occurs: “This will take me down different roads in life and create new opportunities for growth and service.”
  • When your dreams seem broken: “Things didn’t turn out the way I hoped. But this can be a giant step toward an even greater achievement.”

Knowing who you are helps you respond positively to all of life’s challenges. With an expanded understanding of the greater reality, you can adopt the following perspective: there is no misfortune, just life unfolding with periodic changes that provide abundant opportunities to love, serve, experience adventures, grow, learn, and enjoy.

Here’s a practical example of how knowing his continuing nature helped Robert during his challenge: “I ordered your book and was delighted and fascinated with the information. A few weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Interestingly, while the doctor gave me the prognosis, I found myself calm and surrounded by what I can only describe as love. I honestly feel that reading your book helped marshal my courage and faith to deal with this crisis. I’m grateful to the hidden guidance that ‘by chance’ led me to access your website.”

5. More wisdom about life’s existential questions

Many people, especially during tough times, ask: “Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Why is there so much suffering?”  My book The Eleven Questions provides answers from top consciousness experts including Dr. Schwartz to these and other questions. You can also listen to these interviews at

One of the most frequently asked questions is: “Before coming to earth, did I plan the possibility of certain events to occur?” The answers to this question are fairly complex, so I refer you to article #25 Pre-Birth Planning: Did I REALLY Choose All This? for more information.

My Pre-Birth Planning Technique audio program allows you to explore whether you may have chosen the potential for certain events during this earthly experience and why. Those insights can help you learn your intended lessons and feel more empowered instead of like a helpless victim.

Rabbi Weiner, authority on the Jewish Kabbalah, stated: “It is said that before a person is born, he carries a light on his head which enables him to see from one end of creation to the other. Perhaps that means he is given a full picture, a preview of all the things that are going to happen to him in the life ahead. Then he is told that he must choose, for choice is always one of man’s sacred gifts from the Creator and the final choice is his. If then the answer is ‘yes,’ the Angel of Forgetfulness touches him on the center of the upper lip; he forgets everything he saw and he is born.”

Many have asked us: “Why would anyone choose challenges and tragedies?” Some evidence indicates we may choose very temporary difficulties for the many lasting benefits. From an enlightened perspective, pain and sadness are well worth increased personal growth and service to others. In addition, the quality of your life – both here and in the hereafter – is improved by upgrades in your consciousness. 

In Living in a Mindful Universe, Eben Alexander M.D. wrote: “During ‘life between lives’ hypnosis sessions, people often report making specific plans for milestone events to occur throughout their life, including hardships such as disease or other challenges. Such events typically serve as catalysts for growth and learning. It is our chosen responses to such challenges that determine their ability to empower our growth.”

He continued, “Recognizing that the struggles and conflicts we face in life might serve a higher purpose of learning offers great insight in living our lives in the here and now. Some find it challenging to accept that we have intentionally planned less-than-ideal situations for ourselves. It seems when these plans are formed, we have full knowing that the situation will be temporary. Of course, when we are living them in the now, we tend to forget such underlying arrangements.”

A paralyzed person has many experiences that a fully mobile person doesn’t. Blind people ‘see’ life differently because of their impaired vision. Intense challenges can motivate us to reach deep within and learn important lessons. The musician Cat Stevens, now known as Yusuf, beautifully described adopting a more trusting approach to life’s changes in his song Moon Shadow.

In the news recently was an account of an amazing young man whose life wonderfully illustrates why anyone might choose adversity. At age eight, Joshua was attacked by two pit bulls and his face was basically torn off. At the age of 18, and 59 surgeries later, he is starting art school.

Looking back at the attack, he stated: “I wouldn’t take it back. I’ve met so many people that a regular person wouldn’t have met in a lifetime.” Joshua’s dream is to become an art therapist and help others recover from crises. He is one of our most recent heroes and teachers. Could it be that he volunteered on some level to go through this horrible tragedy, in part, so we could tell his story and inspire others?


6. More clarity and courage to follow your highest callings

“How can I know what my purposes on earth are?” is a very important question since good evidence shows we each have special gifts to share.

Margaret, an older female from North Carolina, told our workshop group that she didn’t know what her missions were. “I’ve tried and tried to figure it out,” she stated, “and I can’t come up with anything.” To help clarify her life purpose, I asked how she spent her time. “That’s just it. Over the last seven years, I’ve helped eight friends and family members who were very ill and stayed with them until they passed on. I’ve been so busy that I don’t have time to figure out why I’m here.”  As she said that, the audience chuckled and her face registered an insight. If only all questions were so easy to solve.

Life is so much more joyful and rewarding when you are sharing your unique talents. Here’s how nineteen-year-old Phillip put it: “Your information changed my life spiritually. I now feel happier about myself. You helped me put what my subconscious was feeling into conscious thinking. I am a light worker. Thanks to you, I now realize this. It may sound small, but to me it is just the beginning.”

Some people mistakenly think their mission must be something superhuman such as single-handedly changing the world. An old Christian church hymn provides a big clue: “Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do. Do not wait to shed your light afar. To the many duties ever near you now be true. Brighten the corner where you are.”

Do the best you can within your sphere of influence and know that is enough. Every day, ask the Universe: “How may I serve?” and then stay alert. Let your compassionate heart show you who needs help and how. And don’t forget to put yourself on the list of priorities.

Someday you will fly away from this demanding but wonderfully instructive earthly classroom. Until then, your task is to learn, love, serve, enjoy, and leave this world a better place than when you arrived. Why not do it with style and grace as a successful person who clearly remembers why you are here?


7. Trusting your inner wisdom and personal experiences

Another benefit of knowing and applying the information in chapters 1 – 3 is trusting your inner knowing and personal experiences. Many people have profound inner guidance and meaningful firsthand experiences that can inform, guide, and assist when valued.

However, it is wise to not trust your experiences blindly.  You can be fooled, not just by others, but by yourself.  The key is to develop discernment.  The subtitle to Dr. Jonas Salk’s book, The Anatomy of Reality is “Merging of Intuition and Reason.”  The conscious merging of intuition and reason is one of the hallmarks of greater reality living.

Your level of joy is one indicator of how much you remember to trust yourself. The word enthusiasm comes from en theos which means filled with God. You’re on the right path when you are truly happy. Your feelings provide immediate feedback – just like the old “you’re getting colder, you’re getting hotter” children’s game.

As Joseph Campbell put it, “If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there the whole while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living.”

Tom had his first church confessional at age sixteen and the priest asked a series of questions: “Do you have any sins to confess?” “No.” “Do you want to talk about anything?” “No.” “Do you ever have impure sexual thoughts?”

Upon hearing the last question, Tom said time went into slow motion. Of course, the conversation in his mind went, he had sexual thoughts. That’s pretty much all a sixteen-year-old thinks about. Tom mentally asked himself, “Am I going to lie to the priest during my first confession? On the other hand, am I going to tell him the truth? And is it really any of his business?”

Tom answered, “Not really.”

As he left the church and looked back, the building itself looked different, Tom said. He could feel that something in that confessional experience had been awry even though he couldn’t put it into words. At that moment, he decided to trust himself rather than be overly influenced by religious authorities.

Many people believe that ‘the experts’ know best. Sometimes they do, but often they don’t. They’re just people like you. Many years ago, many people naively believed that religion, big business, government, corporate health care, and educational systems had our best interests at heart.

Fast forward to the present. Many people now know better thanks to pedophile priests, thieving and lying pastors, health and environment-destroying big businesses, crooked politicians, health care morphed into disease-care industries, bigoted or inaccurate history books, and more.

When you blindly trust authority to the exclusion of listening to your inner guidance, you set yourself up for needless struggle and suffering. The notion of an eternal place of torment for all but believers of the one true way is an example of a ludicrous teaching that has scared many people. Freethinkers cannot accept and most children can’t imagine such a concept.

An elderly female caller shared the following story during one of my radio shows. At age ten, she attended a church with her family. Upon hearing preaching about the great love of Creator in one sentence and eternal damnation in the next, she was understandably confused and upset.

After the service, when the preacher asked how she liked the sermon, she said, “I don’t believe the part about hell. God wouldn’t do that!” The minister retorted, “Well, young lady, if you don’t believe that, maybe you shouldn’t be in this church.” Her parents took her by the hand and told him, “Maybe we shouldn’t.”

Over the years, many older people have confided in us that they could never believe in a fiery place of torture for anyone. Such a concept blasphemes the Source of all life and scares many people away from seriously considering ultimate life questions. These elders have learned to let go of past fears, trust their inner voice, and nurture personal relationships with their Higher Power. The potential for experiencing a heavenly life, now and always, then becomes more apparent.

These testimonials might help you trust your inner voice more:

“I’ve been waiting all my life for someone to say what you are teaching. I thought about all this as a child, but thought I was the only one. Thank you for sharing the evidence that I was on the right track.”

“I read your article LGBTQI and Spirituality and it aligns perfectly with my own thinking. I am eighty-six years old and have two granddaughters who are lesbians. I helped raise those girls and know they were born that way. Why do some people have such a huge problem with a person’s sexuality? I don’t.”

“Your book has been a wonderful comfort as my mom was dying. I especially appreciate your answers to the exact questions I’ve had throughout my life. This helps me listen to myself more.”


8. Enhanced peace and acceptance about life’s changes

Life on earth can involve lots of difficulties: illness, disability, broken relationships, financial loss, job loss or dissatisfaction, unfulfilled dreams, cruelty, prejudice, injustice, and bodily death are just a few. You know how it can be on this planet.

We’ve discussed the hypothesis that, before coming to earth, you may have agreed to the possibility of experiencing these difficulties. If that is true, your awareness also likely planned potential solutions for each of these. The bottom line? You can’t always change outer conditions, but you can always control your inner response. You can choose to focus on peace, acceptance, joy, and finding silver linings to clouds that periodically form.

You can better handle life’s inevitable changes with knowledge that your consciousness persists beyond this brief time on earth. Well established roots of evidence-based knowledge and faith can help you bend, not break, when the winds of change become fierce.

Being more accepting and peaceful about difficulties can help you learn the accompanying lessons. By all means, set goals to be happy, healthy, and prosperous with loving relationships and meaningful lifework. But when unexpected outcomes occur, be flexible and trusting enough to roll with the punches and find the hidden blessings.

What if life is unfolding perfectly, but you can’t see it from your limited perspective? Your experiences may be exquisitely designed to deliver just what you need for optimal growth and service, not what your ego wants. This wisdom is reflected in the prayer, “Thy will, not mine, oh Lord.”

It’s also featured in a Rolling Stones song: “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try some time, you just might find you get what you need.” A person awakening to the fullness of life acknowledges there is a greater intelligence and organization operative in the universe – even when it doesn’t seem like it.

Having peace and acceptance about life’s tough changes is easier said than done, but it’s possible. Many people have found a way to be a hero or heroine – and you can too.

Your brief time on earth is a lot like watching movies: you would get bored watching the same one every day. You may have chosen to spend a tiny portion of eternity to have diverse experiences. When one episode is over, there are countless others to co-create, experience, and enjoy. Some evidence suggests that this analogy is much more accurate than many suspect.

Remember the old Row, Row, Row Your Boat song? The last line is, “Life is but a dream!”  I would modify that a bit and say an earthly experience can seem like a dream. Spiritual teacher Ram Dass, AKA Harvard professor Richard Alpert PhD, is the author of The Only Dance There Is and other books. Referring to the so-convincing illusory nature of life on earth, he said: ‘You know how you have a dream at night and it seems so real? Just wait until you wake up from this one.’

Here’s another way to look at this. Just as weightlifting builds physical muscles, life’s changes and challenges can build inner strength. Some of life’s most important lessons occur when suffering takes you out of your comfort zone. When life is easy, you don’t have to struggle and search like you do when confronted with intense changes.

How much strength would you develop if you went to the gym and the other members said, “You take it easy today. Have a seat and relax. We’ll do the exercises for you.” It’s the same way in life. Your time on earth allows you to evaluate how well you’ve learned lessons practiced in less difficult settings. Remembering this will help you enjoy your brief earthly movie with more peace and acceptance.


9. Greater appreciation for and care of your body

You can be a bright light in this world – not just a flickering candle flame, but a floodlight that brightens everyone’s day. Optimally caring for yourself helps you do that.

Imagine that you worked long and hard to buy your favorite car and dream home and you finally got them. Would you crash the car and trash the house? Of course not. Neglecting your physical body, the only vehicle and home your consciousness has for this earthly experience, is even more ludicrous.

Wise ones lovingly care for their human form and keep it functioning optimally for as long as possible. Then they lightly release it when it’s no longer needed. To strike a good balance: most of the time, live as though your human form will last 100 years. But occasionally, live as though today will be your last on earth.

You may have heard the old saying, ‘When you die, you can’t take it with you.’ That’s true except for a few exceptions. After your human form dies, you take with you the love, memories, aptitudes, and degree of awareness that you gained. Your energy and consciousness are reflective of your cumulative thoughts, words and deeds.

As discussed, the quality of your life is highest when your transcendent source of consciousness and brain-based consciousness are on a similar wavelength. As such, optimally caring for your body and mind benefits you here and now, as well as in the next part of life’s never-ending saga.


10. Loving and making yourself a priority

You may have been taught that loving yourself was selfish or even sinful. Making yourself and your needs a priority was probably never mentioned as you grew up. More likely, you heard supposed pearls of wisdom such as, “Who do you think you are, Mr. Bigshot? You’re no better than anyone else. No one ever said life was supposed to be fun. You’re only human.”

Loving yourself more and making yourself a priority naturally flows when you fathom the magnificence of creation. Knowing the evidence that you are an integral part of One Mind right now can be a powerful wake-up call. You deserve to be loved, respected, and treated like the divine human that you are.

Dottie Asselin was able to see energy and auras during most of her ninety-two years on earth. She said your most important job is to love and treat yourself as the most important person in your life. Think about it. You can help the most people and make the biggest impact when you put your needs first. That doesn’t mean you only think of yourself, just that you put yourself on the VIP (very important person) list.

Perhaps you will consider Dottie’s wise advice. I encourage you to love and serve others and also yourself. Doing so on a regular basis will allow you to bestow greater gifts to the world and enjoy a happier and healthier life.


11. More awareness of and gratitude for Higher Assistance

Many people have perceived guidance and help from what they consider to be evolved energy assistants: saints, angels, guides, and ascended masters. These celestial helpers have also been reported during near-death experiences, life between lives sessions, past life regressions, sessions with authentic mediums, and revelatory experiences.

However, those terms have well established meanings and images that may not be accurate. For example, many people believe that angels are large beings with wings, but is that necessarily true? I prefer the original meaning of angels: messengers and sources of guidance that may take different forms or no perceivable form at all.

Since there’s good evidence that evolved help exists, I suggest a term that better reflects current understandings. The term Higher Energy Assistants / Assistance describes unusually wise, loving, and caring sources of support and guidance. For those with a spiritual or religious bent, that term refers to beings or Assistants.

People with a more secular or scientific perspective may prefer to consider this Assistance as the result of higher energy input. In either case, the term is capitalized to denote higher and faster energies.

I hope this new term will help those who aren’t comfortable with traditional religious images. If you can conceive that Higher Energy Assistance / Assistants may exist, the next questions are: how do you ask for help, become more aware of it, and use it?

  • How to ask for help? Just make the request and expect to receive assistance with what you need in, all things considered, the right way and time.
  • How to be more aware of assistance? You guessed it! Use prayer, meditation, time in nature, and other centering practices to quiet your brain so you can hear wise responses from within and all around.
  • How to use it? Upgrade your life, serve others, and make the world a better place. According to David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D., author of Power Versus Force, gratitude is one of the highest energy emotions. Expressing thanks after receiving help and guidance can strengthen the connection between you, evolved helpers, and the Light.


12. Excitement about an eternity of loving service, adventure, growth and enjoyment

Have you ever been around others who consistently exude high levels of joy, peace, love and zest for life? They aren’t perfect, but they often are happier, healthier and more energetic than average. If you ask their secret, you likely will find they feel a special connection with all of life and its source. They have glimpsed more of the greater reality and know they are an integral, infinite, and eternal part of it.

They may call this glimpse Jesus, Buddha, the Lord, the Beloved, Allah, the Light, Great Spirit, the inner self, or another name. But it’s clear they have sensed more than most humans and are excited about it.

Seeing more of life’s bigger picture doesn’t have to be described in religious or spiritual terms. You can be enthusiastic about understanding that your consciousness is part of One Mind. You can be positively giddy about comprehending that everything that ever has or will happen is stored as information and energy in a quantum vacuum. Knowing that your time on earth is like a totally safe and meaningful virtual reality experience could be the puzzle piece that allows you to be more enthusiastic.

Buckminster Fuller – the famous author, systems theorist, and inventor – was asked for the most important message he could share with humanity. He answered, “The Universe is friendly.”

One Native American name for Creator is The Great Mystery. This term recognizes there may always be unknowns despite our quests for understanding. As Albert Einstein said, “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”

Here’s how fifteen-year-old Phil described his awakening to this great news: “You’ve definitely improved my outlook on life. I now feel I can make the most of it, fulfill my potential here on earth, and look forward to the afterlife.”

A woman wrote, “Thank you for all your work and helping others understand the nature of reality. Your descriptions make so much more sense than any other I’ve encountered. I can face anything knowing what I now know.”

Deeply knowing the ‘The Great News’ and living accordingly, and using the information in this article, will allow you to incrementally create the greatest life you have envisioned.  That will provide the vitality, clarity, resolve, and power you need to serve others and make our world a better place. 

*       *       *       *       *       *       *

Your life, and that of others around you, will be more enriched when you:  

  1. read this article again within a few days so you really own it.

  2. discuss it with trusted family members and friends.

  3. take recommended action steps that seem right for you.

  4. share it with others who can use it.

Let it shine,

Mark Pitstick MA, DC is an author, master’s level clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar / workshop facilitator.  He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings.  Mark directed The Soul Phone Foundation for 8 years, founded Greater Reality Living Groups, and assists research and strategic planning for the SoulPhone Project.  To learn more about how Dr. Pitstick might help you, visit

Dr. Pitstick’s goal is to help you know and show– no matter what is happening to or around you – that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.  Visit for free articles, newsletters, and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.  Other resources include his very reasonably priced books, audio-products, and documentary film.

Note: Because of his many outreaches, Dr. Pitstick can no longer answer complex and/or multiple questions.  However, he has created many resources to answer your biggest questions and provide holistic solutions for your toughest challenges. 


– Articles for Transformation and Healing (top tab Articles at address the most common questions, concerns, and challenges about life, death, and afterlife.

– Radio Shows (top tab Radio Shows at share his and top experts’ answers to life’s biggest questions: “Who am I? Why am I here?  What happens after I die?  Is there a God?  Why is there so much suffering?  Why do children die?” and others.

– E-Newsletters (sign up on any page at


 Transformational Audio Products  (see Shop at provide quality sessions at home for a fraction of the cost of an office visit.  These CDs and digital audios use deep relaxation, visualization, breathwork, and/or other techniques to: access your inner wisdom, visit with “departed” loved ones, release old wounds and lower energy emotions, evaluate your pre-birth planning, have past life regressions, and other goals.

Books and Documentary (Shop at provide information and strategies to help you more deeply realize and demonstrate:

  • you are a forever being of energy / consciousness
  • the many wonderful benefits of realizing this
  • how to reflect this great news in every aspect of your life — even when confronted with big challenges and changes

Webinars and Workshops: to learn about these, subscribe to newsletters at and (Classes & Interviews at

Greater Reality Living Groups: these local and online groups share information from Dr. Pitstick, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and other experts on consciousness and holistic wellness topics.  (Visit Greater Reality Living at

Coaching / Counseling Sessionmeet with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your toughest questions and holistic solutions to your biggest challenges.  (Shop at

Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Dr. Pitstick’s remarks are based on his personal and professional training and experience during forty-eight years of helping many thousands of people.  Collective clinical, scientific, and experiential evidence supports some, but not all, of what he shares.  Mark’s views may change over time, and he does not claim to have all the answers or the only answers. 

Dr. Pitstick encourages you to consider this information and decide for yourself what makes the most sense.  Note: the articles and other resources at his site are NOT purely based on scientific research as is the SoulPhone Project.