by Mark Pitstick MA, DC
If you’ve not already, please read . . .
- ‘The Great News‘ (article #19 at
- ‘Eight Developments for Widespread Conscious Living Now’ (#125)
- Greater Reality LIVING Program: Integrating ‘The 8 Developments’ Into Your Daily Life (#72)
- Greater Reality HEALING Program: Journeying FROM Deeply Grieving TO Brightly Shining (#82)
The evidence-based information and holistic resources outlined in these articles will help you to:
- realize your true nature as an eternal being of consciousness / life-force / energy
- receive guidance and assistance from highly evolved energies and Source / The Light
- heal old wounds, release lower energies, and update erroneous teachings
- create the greatest life YOU have envisioned (YOU = your higher self / soul)
- help others by sharing your greatest gifts
- make our world a better place
As enough people do this, widespread personal and planetary change will naturally unfold.
Perinatal Experiences
While getting a bath, a four year-old boy begins to talk to his mother: “I remember when I was in your tummy… ” He tells her specific details about events that happened when she was pregnant with him. Later, the child also correctly reports what happened just before and after his birth: which family members were there, medical instruments used, tests given, and even what clothes people were wearing. The mother is incredulous; she is sure that no one has ever told him these details. How could he know what happened when he was in her womb and just a newborn?
The term perinatal refers to the time period just before, during and after human birth. Research on awareness during the perinatal period suggests that a wise and objective consciousness resides within the newborn baby. The perinatal experience, abbreviated as PNE, is particularly fascinating because it points to a preexistence of awareness that predates birth. NDE research indicates a continuation of consciousness after death; PNE research points to the existence of awareness before human birth.
In Mindsight, Ring and Cooper reviewed perinatal research and noted an emerging picture of a dual nature of human consciousness. First, there is a brain-based consciousness (BBC) that develops as the fetus grows. In addition, however, a great deal of empirical evidence points to a transcendent source of consciousness (TSC) that “predates physical life and survives bodily death.” The TSC is most apparent during NDEs, mystical states of consciousness, and perinatal experiences. But the TSC is usually overshadowed by the BBC that is so predominant in our physical world.
PNE research sometimes involves gathering information using hypnosis to aid memory recall from the perinatal period. Interviewing children who spontaneously recall these events is another source of data. When reading about PNE, keep in mind that researchers prefer the terms ‘mind, awareness, or consciousness” rather than ‘soul or spirit.’
Research Evidence and Cases
Research by Helen Wambach, Ph.D., provided clinical information about the timing of the soul’s arrival in the developing fetus. Dr. Wambach hypnotically regressed over 750 people and had them describe their fetal life. The existence of two separate but simultaneous sources of awareness was reported by 89 percent of her subjects. They identified more with the transcendent source of consciousness than with that of the growing fetus.
Her subjects described themselves as disembodied minds that hovered around the fetus and mother. This consciousness could come and go and had a telepathic knowledge of the mother’s emotions. Nearly 80 percent of the subjects reported joining their preexisting consciousness (TSC) with that of the fetal brain (BBC) just before, during, or after human birth. Only 11 percent reported doing so before six months fetal age.
In her book Soul Trek: Meeting Our Children on the Way to Birth, Elisabeth Hallett, R.N., discussed verifiable womb memories that suggest consciousness extends beyond the ‘birth-to-grave’ time frame. For example, she cited cases of midwives who received accurate communications from babies in the womb.
This information, such as warnings of increased maternal blood pressure or necessary changes in positioning for easier delivery, was often clinically useful. Some nurses have also reported telepathic correspondences during prenatal appointments from in utero babies. These communications revealed important and previously unknown details such as maternal domestic violence, high stress, or history of abuse.
One documented example of a perinatal memory was reported in Babies Remember Birth by David Chamberlain, Ph.D., who stated: “Jason, a three-and-a-half year-old boy, surprised his mother by saying that he remembered being born, that he had heard her crying and was doing everything he could to get out. It was ‘tight,’ he felt ‘wet,’ and felt something around his neck and throat. In addition something hurt his head and he remembered his face had been ‘scratched up.’ Jason’s mother said she had ‘never talked to him about the birth, never,’ but the facts were correct. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, he was monitored via an electrode on his scalp, and was pulled out by forceps.”
Dr. Chamberlain hypnotically regressed ten mothers and their children who had not been told any details about their births. He concluded that their reports were remarkably consistent and “dovetailed at various points like one story told from two points of view.” Validated details included instruments used, people present, time of day, and other specifics of the delivery. The timing of various events was also reported accurately during these independent interviews of mothers and children. Chamberlain said that, considering all the facts, “objectively gathered birth memories appear to be genuine recollections of experience.”
Rev. Jerry Bongard, author of The Near Birth Experience, is a Lutheran minister and counselor with more than thirty years of experience. During his work hypnotizing clients, he found that they easily recall in-womb and pre-womb recollections, that is, memories of bodiless states before joining the fetuses. Bongard believes that support for the concept of pre-existence is strengthened by the therapeutic benefits of pre-birth memories with difficult cases such as post-traumatic stress syndrome in Viet Nam veterans. These experiences allow clients to see themselves as eternal beings, thereby aiding healing of emotional and physical wounds.
Regarding perinatal research, Stan Grof, M.D., author of Beyond The Brain, stated, “I have been able to confirm the accuracy of many such reports… [Subjects] have been able to recognize specificities and anomalies of their fetal position, detailed mechanics of labor, the nature of obstetric interventions, and the particulars of postnatal care. The experience of a breech position, placenta previa, the umbilical cord twisted around the neck, castor oil applied during the birth process, the use of forceps, various manual maneuvers, different kinds of anesthesia, and specific resuscitation procedures are just a few examples of the phenomena observed.”
In The Mind of Your Newborn Baby, Chamberlain shared the case of a child who described in fascinating detail the events during and after her birth. Deborah related memories during the time just after birth with comments suggestive of a preexistent spirit. Her strongest concept of herself was that of an intelligent mind that knew a lot. She couldn’t understand why the birth attendants just focused on her physical needs and acted like that’s all there was to her. Deborah felt frustrated that she couldn’t communicate her feelings and that crying was the only sound she could make.
Chamberlain comments, “The evidence supporting a physically transcendent form of consciousness… suggests that a separate transcendent source of awareness coexists with the fetal consciousness… a close examination of published regression transcripts reveals evidence of two intermittent streams of awareness, one assuming an in utero vantage point, the other one located outside the body of the baby…”
Children in Chamberlain’s research reported witnessing the newborn from two perspectives: as the child and as an observer outside the room. They expressed confusion about this dual awareness and wondered how they could be on both sides of the window.
In a journal article by David B. Cheek, M.D., a young child under hypnosis described an attempted abortion that occurred when she was six months fetal age. The child had not been told about the attempt and verification was obtained from the mother after the session. “[Subject]: It’s before I’m born. My father is shouting, ‘I’m going to kill you.’ (A few seconds later, subject began screaming. She pulled her legs up to her chest as though trying to get away from something very frightening.)… I saw that button hook coming up at me. I knew my mother was trying to get me out. [Therapist]: Then what happened? [Subject]: Nothing happened—only a little bleeding.”
Detailed visual descriptions that are later verified as accurate demonstrate an out-of-body vantage point similar to those reported during NDEs. These intra-uterine visual perceptions are all the more impressive when you realize that fetal eyes are closed within the womb.
Dr. Chamberlain described the case of Loretta who, as a third trimester fetus, sensed her mother and father on the deck of a sightseeing boat. The mother felt seasick and tried to steady herself by holding onto a rail and looking at an island. The father was worried about her and wanted to know if she was all right. The parents never told Loretta about this event after she was born, yet she accurately described many details of their outing.
Another resource on this topic is Coming from the Light: Spiritual Accounts of Life Before Life by Sarah Hinze. She presented over thirty personal stories from parents who described connections with their children before conception and during pregnancy. Interestingly, these prenatal communications also occurred among adoptive parents during the pre-adoption period. (11) This suggests that a deep connection can exist between a parent and child whether by biological birth or other ways.
What are the conclusions thus far about perinatal research? Dr. Wade stated: “When regressed subjects are able to give accurate, detailed visual impressions of events that occurred while they were in utero—as independently validated by third parties—there can be little doubt that some extra-neurological, extra-sensory form of consciousness exists.” After exploring all the available research on verifiable reports of consciousness before the time of human birth, Dr. Wade made the following conclusions:
- As brain activity increases, awareness of the transcendent source decreases, perhaps due to interference or masking by increased left hemisphere function.
- A greater access to the transcendent source of consciousness (TSC) is enjoyed naturally by some and may be aided by advanced meditation, NDE or other encounters with the Light, lucid dreaming, and other disciplines.
- Harmonizing of the TSC and brain-based consciousness allows a greater and more peaceful experience of both physical and non-physical realities.
- The TSC survives physical death, but excessive attachment to material existence and tensions between the two sources of consciousness may necessitate additional life experiences.
- From a level of Unity consciousness, the transcendent and brain-based streams of consciousness operate as one. Any indications of separation or cessation of life are illusory.
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Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
author, lecturer, counselor, and holistic chiropractic physician; spokesperson, research assistant, and strategic planner for the SoulPhone Project; founder of Greater Reality Living, Healing, Helping, and Sharing Programs
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is a master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, and clinical nutritionist. He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings. His goal is to help you know and show that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.
To learn more about the Greater Reality LIVING, HEALING, HELPING, and SHARING Programs, visit ‘Greater Reality Programs’ top tab at and Also see articles #19, 72, 82, 119, 122, and 125 at provides many FREE resources:
- 8 e-books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
- 10 audio programs Holistic Breathing; Afterlife Contact; Ask Your Soul, Angels, and The Light; Pre-Birth Planning; Identify and Fulfill Your Purposes AND Enjoy Your Greatest Life; Your Life Review; Appreciate, Realize, and Transform; Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness; Past Life Regression; Heal and Transform Your Suffering
- 4 audio books (Greater Reality Living, Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, and Shining Light Parents Speak; we don’t have control over the others)
- 125 Articles (as of 3/1/25) answering the most commonly asked questions and providing holistic solutions for your toughest challenges
- 25 Radio Shows: interviews with experts on consciousness, afterlife, and creating an optimal earthly experience. These include Wayne Dyer, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton, Caroline Myss, and others.
- 27 Videos on different pages
- Monthly newsletters (subscriber sign-up at bottom of each website page)
Instead of payment, he asks that you: (1) fully use and appreciate the products, (2) share them with others, and (3) help others in ways you feel called, that is, pay it forward.
The following are also available for a fee:
- 8 printed books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
- Coaching / Counseling Sessions with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your biggest questions and holistic solutions to your toughest challenges.
Note: This article is intended as a reference source, not to replace professional treatment for physical, emotional, or mental problems. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the voluntary use of action steps discussed in article.
I created this article while ‘wearing the hat’ of a clinician, counselor, and educator. My statements are based upon some scientific research; much clinical and experiential evidence; my personal experiences; and my best current understandings. This program does not reflect my roles with the SoulPhone Project since those require solid scientific data for all statements.