Mark Pitstick, MA, DC has over fifty years of experience and training in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers and holistic health clinics. His training includes a premedical degree, graduate theology / pastoral counseling studies, masters in clinical psychology, doctorate in chiropractic health care, and extensive postgraduate training in clinical nutrition. He was also trained to provide suicide prevention counseling and education.

Dr. Mark Pitstick

Mark became aware of clairaudient experiences around age ten and has since been blessed with numerous miracles, revelatory, and spiritually transformative experiences. After working in hospitals with many suffering and dying adults and children, he was motivated to find evidence-based answers to questions that many people ask: “Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Will I see my departed loved ones again? Is there a God? If so, why is there so much suffering? and How can I best live during this brief earthly experience?”

His books, documentary film, audio programs, articles, radio shows, newsletters, interviews, and webinars address all of these questions. The information and holistic resources he shares can help you survive and even thrive through life’s biggest changes and challenges. Further, his work helps you discover how to create the greatest life you have envisioned despite your past or current circumstances.

Books Written by Dr. Mark Pitstick

Dr. Pitstick wrote Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, The Eleven Questions, Ask the Soul Doctor, and The Afterlife Evidence. He co-authored Greater Reality Living (with Gary E. Schwartz PhD), The Big Picture of Life (with Schwartz and Katta Mapes, MA, MEd), and Shining Light Parents Speak (with four co-authors). His books have been endorsed by Drs. Wayne Dyer, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel, and others.

Scientific, clinical, and firsthand experience evidence that you are a timeless being of energy and consciousness.

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Greater Reality Living Front Cover

How might you choose to live when you understand more about the greater reality and your deathless role in it?

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Everything you ever wanted to know about Life, death and afterlife…
From 12 top consciousness experts

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You have a miraculous body.
You possess a powerful mind.
You are an infinite being of energy.
Are you ready to live accordingly?

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A child’s passing is said to be the most difficult of all ‘losses’ but there’s a more soulful way forward. Many parents have demonstrated how to feel much peace, joy, and love after a child changes worlds. Taking that higher path improves their lives, everyone around them, and our world.

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Evidence-based answers for young people who want to know
‘Who am I? Why am I here?
What happens after I die?’
and other important questions.

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Ask the Soul Doctor shares his answers in an easy-to-read and concise way. Mark’s holistic education and 50 years of experience in four healthcare fields uniquely allows him to provide meaningful answers and practical solutions.

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For the first time in human history, you can know – without a doubt – that life after death is real. The collective evidence validates afterlife teachings by religious and spiritual groups over the millennia. You can now breathe a huge sigh of relief, release all fear that death is an end, and enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned

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Achieving acceptance after any loss — and then moving beyond that — can be lighter and quicker with this approach.  Learn how to selectively focus on higher energy emotions versus being stuck in grief, sadness, anger, guilt, fear, etc.

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Holistic Breathing: learn this powerfully transformative 40 minute session that involves 30 minutes of deep, noisy, diaphragmatic breathing with music and coaching in the background.

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While under deep relaxation/hypnosis, heal and transform your suffering by releasing the pain and realizing the blessings

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Mark was the executive producer for the Soul Proof documentary film, a 93-minute video featuring interviews with people who had spiritually transformative experiences.  His ten transformational audio products use deep relaxation, breathing techniques, and guided imagery.  A frequent media guest, Pitstick hosted two radio shows, Soul-utions and Ask the Soul Doctors, and interviewed top experts about consciousness, the nature of reality, and optimal living while on earth.

holistic-breathing-technique-cdHeal Transform

Dr. Pitstick is certified in Past Life Regression therapy by Brian Weiss MD and the Mirror Gazing / Psychomanteum technique by Raymond Moody PhD, MD.  Mark has given many nationwide workshops on spiritual awareness and holistic wellness at churches, expos, retreats, and conferences.

He directs the SoulPhone Foundation that supports postmaterial communication technology research of Dr. Schwartz and his team at the University of Arizona. Mark assists research on the SoulPhone Project and founded Greater Reality Living groups that meet online and around the world.  To learn more about his outreaches, visit