by Mark Pitstick MA, DC

Note: If you already know the following information scroll down to the article title in maroon below the seven asterisks.  However, I strongly recommend reading this introduction until you really ‘own’ it.  In addition, post The Great News where you’ll see it every day.  

Over the last 15 years, and especially during 2019 – 2024, data from a series of experiments at the University of Arizona have definitively demonstrated scientifically that life continues after physical death.  This research was conducted by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, former professor at Harvard and Yale, and pioneer in the fields of behavioral medicine and energy healing.  

Dr. Schwartz is assisted in this work by a team of electrical engineers, software developers, research assistants, evidential mediums, and postmaterial luminaries at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.  (To learn more about the SoulPhone Project and lab, visit  To learn about postmaterial luminaries, see article #31 at 

The Demo SoulSwitch is a binary (Yes / No) SoulSwitch device that postmaterial persons (the so-called ‘deceased’) can use to answer questions, verify their identity, and begin providing information to help many people and our planet.  This device should be ready for beta testing by the summer of 2024.  After sessions with project volunteers and larger donors, we will share data that scientifically demonstrates life continues after bodily death.  However, this ‘reveal’ will initially occur as an ‘incremental trickle’ versus a ‘sudden splash’.   Over time and under optimal conditions, we will gradually amplify how widely this news is shared. 

Likewise, demonstrations of this technology will occur in a stepwise fashion.  We anticipate, but cannot guarantee, that full announcements and demonstrations will occur by spring 2025.  These decisions were made in April 2024 after many strategic planning discussions with core project team members.  The many factors involved are much more complex than you might imagine. 

See articles #1, 60, and 115 for an overview of the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence that indicates – with 99.9% certainty – that consciousness survives bodily death.  This collective evidence also shows – with very high degrees of certainty – The Great News that you and everyone else:

  1. continue to live after your earthly body dies. 
  2. can interact with ‘departed’ loved ones now and after you pass on. 
  3. are integral, infinite, eternal, and beloved parts of Source Energy now and always. 
  4. receive guidance and support from angels, guides, master teachers, etc. 
  5. are sacredly interconnected with all people, animals, and nature. 
  6. have special purposes for having this earthly experience now. 
  7. may manifest in other simultaneous time / space realities now and after bodily death. 
  8. have everything you need to enjoy an optimal earthly experience – no matter what your past or current circumstances. 
  9. can find meaning, as well as opportunities for growth and service, amidst your toughest changes and challenges. 
  10. co-create how heavenly your life feels – whether living on earth or elsewhere – by your predominant thoughts, words and actions. 
  11. can likely use SoulPhone technology in the future to communicate with postmaterial loved ones and access wisdom from luminaries who can help us heal our world.  

Statements #1, 2, and 11 are based on definitive scientific research.  The other statements are based on: (a) clinical research: near-death experiences, past life memories and regressions, perinatal experiences, life between lives sessions, shared crossings, terminal lucidity cases, and deathbed visions; and (b) evidencefrom firsthand experiences: after-death communications, out-of-body experiences, spiritually transformative experiences, electronic voice projection / instrumental transcommunication, and other ways of knowing.

This is, obviously, a new and exciting era for humanity.  When understood and internalized – even just a bit – The Great News can help you make the shift:         

  • FROM thinking, believing, and acting as if your time on earth is unfair, meaningless, cruel, and ends with cessation of consciousness or the possibility of endless suffering. 
  • TO thinking, believing, and acting as if this earthly experience is a totally meaningful, safe, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.

Conscious language can help you adopt a greater reality perspective and live based on the second bulleted worldview.  And that, in turn, can help you create the greatest life YOU have envisioned, fulfill your purposes for being on earth, serve others, and enjoy a magnificent journey.  In the pursuit of using more conscious / accurate terms, l:   

  1. Will use the term ‘YOU’ to describe the totality of your energy / being. Your real self may manifest in different spacetime ways simultaneously since only approximately 50% of your consciousness is needed to have an earthly experience. The term ‘YOU’ recognizes both of these possibilities. 
  2. Won’t use the terms ‘die, departed, deceased, or dead’ without single quotation marks since those have strongly entrenched and erroneous meanings indicating an end of life. 
  3. Will use the terms ‘bodily death’ and ‘death of the earthly form’ to remind you that only the earth-suit dies. The rest – all the intelligence, love, personality, memories, preferences, sense of humor, and much more – continues living in other parts of the field of all possibilities. 
  4. Will use the terms changed worlds, passed on, transitioned and others that aptly describe a continuation of consciousness after bodily death. 
  5. Will primarily refer to those who have passed on as postmaterial persons. That term recognizes the points in #3. I also will use soul, consciousness, essence, and awareness. 
  6. Will primarily refer to ‘physical humans living on earth’ as material persons. Why? Because those terms within single quotation marks may apply to postmaterial persons.  That is, they can have physicality, visit earth, and are still human in meaningful ways.
  7. Will use the terms lower versus higher energies, emotions, and ways of being. These descriptors are not critical, judgmental, or subjective; rather, they are based on objective measures by, for example, David Hawkins PhD, MD author of Power Versus Force. He and other researchers found that higher-energy emotions of peace, joy, and love calibrate at 600, 540, and 500 respectively.  Conversely, lower-energy emotions of anger, fear, and guilt calibrate at 150, 100, and 30.  To be clear, energy / consciousness is who and what you really are, not just how you are feeling.  Your predominant energies create the quality of your life and the nature of your earthly or other time-space experience. 
  8. Will use single quotations marks with words such as ‘lose and fail’.  The Great News and collective afterlife evidence can expand your worldview about what seem to be losses and failures.  We can’t accurately judge the big picture of life – what is lost or how we failed – with our limited human senses.   

Note: To recognize and respect different genders and sexual identifications, I will alternate using ‘he’ or ‘she’ and related pronouns.  Depending on a person’s orientation, one, both, or neither of those may apply.

The free articles and radio shows mentioned are available at  To learn more about the collective afterlife evidence and The Great News, read Soul Proof, The Afterlife Evidence, Greater Reality Living (co-authored with Dr. Schwartz) and The Big Picture of Life (for ages 10 – 16 written with Schwartz and Katta Mapes MA, MEd).  To experience expanded states of consciousness to optimally heal and transform your life, use audio sessions under Shop at 

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Are You ‘The Weird One’ In Your Family?

I often receive correspondences that start with: ‘I’m the weird one in my family.  I am so glad to learn that someone else thinks like I do.’ 

Wait a minute!  Are they saying I’m weird? 

Seriously, I take it as a compliment.   

Older root meanings of ‘weird’ included: supernatural, having the power to control destiny, and otherworldly.  Those all sound like good attributes to me.  However, the word is usually used today to convey strange or abnormal in a bad way.  As such, I’ll use the word different instead of weird this article. 

Six factors that may contribute to you being, seeming, or feeling different during your time on earth . . . 

1. You may seem different because, you are more evolved energetically / spiritually than most people living on earth.

Michael Newton PhD, founder of Lives Between Lives therapy, estimated – based on his 7000 cases over 35 years – that approximately 85% of humans are beginner souls.  He considered another 13% to have intermediate energies while another 2% are advanced.  Those estimates were based on clinical studies that now include 40,000 cases in 25 countries. 

Another way to look at this is to consider what emotions and energies predominate in a person’s life.  Higher energy emotions include peace, joy, love, gratitude, enthusiasm, and fulfillment.  Lower ones include anger, despair, hatred, resentment, guilt, and malaise.  More advanced people – again, whether living on earth or elsewhere – tend to focus on the first list.  This isn’t about being perfect.  It is about consciously choosing, moment by moment, to focus on life’s silver linings instead of the clouds. 

(Note: You’ve likely heard the term ‘old soul’ to describe more advanced beings.  However, that term isn’t accurate because growth and evolution aren’t guaranteed over time.  Some older persons – whether living on earth or elsewhere – might repeat the same mistakes and thus be less wise / balanced than younger ones.)

2. You may feel different because you are an atypical soul than those who usually incarnate on earth.

This factor considers experiential evidence that is based on firsthand experience.  Anecdotal reports hold that, after a visit to somewhere like earth, many souls return to a physical home in a certain star constellation.  (That is in addition to returning Home –by more clearly remembering they are part of the Light / Source Energy now and always.)  Perhaps you’ve heard of past life regressions that identify a person being strongly connected with Sirius, Alpha Centauri, or another star system.

However, there appear to be other types of beings who don’t have a home base like a star system.  These are, I’m told, more rare visitors to earth.  They may feel like a stranger in a strange land – at least initially – while visiting this planet.  (Raise your hand if you’ve felt like this.)  Throughout my life, I’ve been told by five different people independently that I’m different than the usual type of beings who come to earth.  They used terms such as ‘teaching soul’ or ‘blue printer’ who don’t have a home base but, rather, arrive at various places in the cosmos where most needed. 

3. You may be different because you and your soul group set that up.

A third facet to this discussion is that you may seem and/or feel different because close family members and friends are acting as contrast souls.  What?  Here’s what I mean.  Members of your soul group – some sources say about 25 primary soulmates and a larger number of secondary ones – may have purposely taken on limiting roles to assist your growth.  You may actually be the ‘slow learner’ in your cluster of dear ones who are deeply connected in different time / space scenarios. 

These soulmates – your cast and crew during this earthly experience – may take on a cruel or uncaring role to lovingly motivate you to reach down deeper.  Your struggle, and accompanying potential for a breakthrough, can help you better know and show your high nature. 

To understand how this makes sense, it’s understood – before entering a challenging earth visit – that you and everyone else:

  1. are eternal beings of light / energy / consciousness

  2. are integral and beloved parts of All That Is right now

  3. are inextricably interconnected with other people, animals, and life forms

  4. can’t lose loved ones despite outward appearances to the contrary

  5. know within that earthly experiences are totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventures amidst forever

Is it worth feeling alienated for a very short time to more deeply remember and demonstrate this great news?  Most awakening beings think so. 

4. You may seem different because you haven’t expanded your relationships.

It’s important to identify and spend quality time with members of your tribe – kindred spirits who love, accept, and respect you for who and how you are.  These people become your inner circle of relationships.  Unfortunately, your family members may not necessarily be in this group.  When I was young, I wrongly assumed that relationships with my immediate and extended family members would be the closest and most supportive.  I even felt guilty as I slowly realized that wasn’t the case. 

Now, many of my dearest relationships involve friends, not family.  Some are part of my life for only a short while, but they make a big impact on me.  Others seem to be enemies but, over time, I realize they are among my greatest teachers. 

By all means, try to be close with your family members.  But if that doesn’t happen for some reason, don’t feel badly about it. 

5. You may think you are different because you haven’t lived authentically and opened up to the right people.

Being transparent about yourself is one key to finding members of ‘your tribe.’  No matter how you live, some people won’t like it.  So you might as well be you and let the chips fall where they may.  Living authentically is a great barometer for finding those who accept and love you for who and how you are.  In my experience, it’s better to know who you can trust and open up with.  Openly sharing your beliefs is a great way to do this, but be prepared for some rejection and criticism as you explore who is in your inner circle.

Recently, I told a family member about my involvement in the SoulPhone Project.  (to learn more, visit  I described the replicated university-based scientific studies that clearly show life continues after bodily death.  I explained the various devices used to allow rudimentary communication with these postmaterial persons. 

He listened quietly and then said, “Mark, I think you’ve gone over the deep end on this one.”  His religious belief, based on a 2000 year old book that has undergone numerous changes, is that souls stay in the ground until a judgment day.  Ergo, we couldn’t communicate with them because they are dead.  

Now I know to not share what is really important to me with this person.  Although he is a close and beloved family member, he isn’t in my inner circle. 

There’s another advantage to living transparently: it helps you discover just how many people are like you.  In the past, many people didn’t share their spiritually transformative experiences – such as near-death experiences and after-death communications – for fear of being considered kooky.  (Witch hunts and burnings were not that far in the past after all.)  Now, thanks to the abundance of books and media interviews, we know just how common such experiences are. 

Talking about your different experiences gives others permission to do the same, perhaps for the first time.  This is one reason we started Greater Reality Living groups – to create safe places where people can share their spiritual experiences without fear of judgment or ridicule. 

6. You may be different because of poor choices in the past that damaged your brain.

Finally, you may feel different because of poor decisions in the past.  During my theology school internship for pastoral counseling, I tried to help unfortunate persons in our state psychiatric institution.  Jim, a young man who tried PCP, basically fried his brain.  He ranted endlessly about topics that seemed very important to him but were gibberish to others.  Jim was different because he made himself so.  Others are different because of self-created brain imbalance by excess alcohol, drugs, poor self-care habits, and driving without caution.

I’m not, by the way, being judgmental about these paths.  In the long run, their suffering may be exactly what they or those around them needed.  For example, Jim’s plight may have touched many people and awakened them to the dangers of drug experimentation.  Beginner souls who need to learn to become caregivers need someone to care for.  Who knows, Jim might have been an advanced soul who chose to spend part of his life energy in the role of a brain damaged youth.  Why?  So others could practice becoming doctors, pastors, and other kinds of caregivers.  


Six keys to living on earth in a more full / balanced way AND remembering that you are not solely of this world include: 

  1. Remember who you are. The more you recall your true nature, the more this brief earthly experience makes sense. To learn more, see articles #1, 11, 15, and 51 at  The Ask Your Soul Technique, available at, is especially helpful for this and other solutions. 

  2. Release past abuse, fears, and misinformation. Realizing and expressing your inner light and loving nature may be blocked by old physical or emotional wounds, needless fears, and past erroneous teachings. To release and heal these, see articles #10, 16, 29, and 40.  The most powerful way I know to do this is the Holistic Breathing Technique

  3. If you are empathic / sensitive. People with higher energy emotions often are more sensitive than the average person.  This can lead to burn out or depression if the person isn’t grounded and centered.  Empaths sometimes self-medicate with drugs and / or alcohol in an attempt to numb themselves and not sense all the pain and suffering.  There are better long term strategies.  (articles # 12, 23, 31, 51).  

  4. Trust and learn from your spiritually transformative experiences. Some people have beautiful wake-up calls but don’t follow up on them. Others may, over time, consider these experiences to be their imagination or unimportant.  (articles #17, 51)

  5. Optimally care for your body and mind. The human body has been called the temple of the soul and for good reason. It’s your temporary earthly vehicle that gets the real you from womb to tomb.  Wise persons care for it like the precious and sacred creation it is.  Advanced souls may find it very difficult to function on earth and consider suicide to return Home but this usually isn’t wise for a number of reasons.  (articles # 5, 12, 24, 26, 32, 33, 36, 37, 43, 51, 54)

  6. Identify and fulfill your life purposes. Good evidence indicates that we each are on earth at this time for meaningful reasons. You will feel more happy, peaceful, and fulfilled when you are doing what you came here to do.  Those who feel different may have trouble figuring out what lifework they want to do.  This could be, in part, because they are capable of so much and can’t limit themselves to one job.  However, this can become a vocational dead-end and result in lower income and quality of life.  My advice is to start with something, especially what you are most passionate about.  (article 21)

There are other reasons you may seem, feel, or be different.  And there are other solutions for improving your life.  Everyone is unique, but this article provides a good start. 

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Thank you for sharing this article with others who can use it.

Let it shine,

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director of the SoulPhone Foundation
Founder of Greater Reality Living Groups
Research assistant for the SoulPhone Project

University-based scientific research has now definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death.   The SoulPhone Project will very likely allow widespread communication with post-material (“deceased”) loved ones and luminaries who want to help us heal our world.  How might this great news change the way you live and treat yourself and others?

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s level clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar / workshop facilitator.  He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings.  Mark directs The Soul Phone Foundation, founded Greater Reality Living Groups, and assists research on the SoulPhone Project.

Dr. Pitstick’s goal is to help you know and show– no matter what is happening to or around you – that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.  Visit for free articles, newsletters, and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.  Other resources include his very reasonably priced books, audio-products, and documentary. 

Note: Because of his many outreaches, Dr. Pitstick can no longer answer complex and/or multiple questions.  However, he has created many resources to answer your biggest questions and provide holistic solutions for your toughest challenges . . .  

FREE Articles, Radio Shows, and E-Newsletters

– Articles for Transformation and Healing (top tab Articles at address the most common questions, concerns, and challenges about life, death, and afterlife.  

– Radio Shows (top tab Radio Shows at share his answers and those of top experts to life’s biggest questions: “Who am I? Why am I here?  What happens after I die?  Is there a God?  Why is there so much suffering?  Why do children die?” and others.  

– E-Newsletters (sign up on any page at

Audio-Products, Books, and Documentary

Transformational Audio Products  (see Shop at provide quality sessions at home for a fraction of the cost of an office visit.  These CDs and digital audios use deep relaxation, visualization, breathwork, and/or other techniques to: access your inner wisdom, visit with “departed” loved ones, release old wounds and lower energy emotions, evaluate your pre-birth planning, have past life regressions, and other goals. 

Books and Documentary (Shop at provide information and strategies to help you more deeply realize and demonstrate that:

  • you are a forever being of energy / consciousness
  • the many wonderful benefits of realizing this 
  • how to reflect this great news in every aspect of your life — even when confronted with big challenges and changes

Webinars and Workshops: to learn about these, subscribe to newsletters at and (Classes & Interviews at

Greater Reality Living Groups: these local and online groups share information from Dr. Pitstick, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and other experts on consciousness and holistic wellness topics.  (Visit Greater Reality Living at

Coaching / Counseling Sessionmeet with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your toughest questions and holistic solutions to your biggest challenges.  (Shop at

Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Dr. Pitstick’s remarks are based on his personal and professional training and experience during forty-eight years of helping many thousands of people.  Collective clinical, scientific, and experiential evidence supports some, but not all, of what he shares.  Mark’s views may change over time, and he does not claim to have all the answers or the only answers.  Dr. Pitstick encourages you to consider this information and decide for yourself what makes the most sense.  Note: the articles and other resources at his site are NOT purely based on scientific research as is the SoulPhone Project.