Soul Proof News 

August 2024

Dear Soul Proof family,

Each newsletter starts with a list of ultra-important goals, and ends with resources to help you reach them.  I hope this helps you and your loved ones to:

  1. remember you are eternal beings of energy / consciousness / who don’t die
  2. heal and optimally transform yourself holistically
  3. identify and fulfill your highest purposes for being on earth at this time
  4. enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned.
  5. serve others and make our world a better place

(Note: the capitalized form ‘YOU’ refers to your higher self / soul.)

Thank you for sharing these goals and resources with others.  With your help, seemingly hopeless challenges for all people and our planet can be practically solved, one person at a time.   

Scroll down to Questions & Answers if you’ve already memorized ‘The Great News’.)

The Great News

Your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.  What’s more, you are one with the One right now, and sacredly interconnected with all people and nature.  This isn’t just wishful thinking;  those statements are based on much evidence from multiple sources.

Knowing and showing The Great News’ one day at a time helps you enjoy increasingly high levels of peace, joy, love, and fulfillment . . . no matter what is happening to or around you.

To learn more about the nature of reality / the way life is set up / the big picture of life, see article #19 The Great News’.  I highly recommend that you print and post this list where you’ll see it often.  (Items # 1, 2, and 11 are supported by scientific research; the others have much clinical and experiential evidence to support their validity.)   

Questions & Answers

(Note: articles cited below are available at

Q: When I leave the physical world, will there be guidance into the spiritual world?  I’m 85 years old and wonder about this some, but know that too much time thinking about the future can cause anxiety. 

A: Kudos for thinking ahead, at least somewhat, about important matters.  Changing worlds is the biggest trip humans take, but many people plan much more for a summer vacation. Whether living on earth or elsewhere, our intentions and energies create our reality more than most people realize.  As discussed in the articles listed below, the afterlife isn’t the same for everyone.

As Jesus said ‘In my Father’s house there are many mansions’.  How do you want the next phase of your life to be?  Who do you want to be with, where do you want to live, and what do you want to do?  It’s an exciting topic to ponder since we now know – without a doubt  – that life continues after bodily death.

I agree that it’s a question of balance: it’s normal to think about it some but you don’t want to spend too much away from the golden present now moment.

To answer your question, just as on earth, profound love and assistance are always available – especially when you ask for it.  It’s very important to know that and use that guidance.

Documented near-death experiences highlight the vast assistance from angels, guides, master teachers, soulmates, and The Light.  Dr. Michael Newton’s books about Life Between Lives, especially the first two, also provide good clinical information about what transpires when a person graduates from earth-school.

To learn more about the topics in my answers, see articles:

#73 Angels and Higher Energy Assistance

#107 What Is the Afterlife Like?

#94 Near Death Experiences

#98 Life Between Lives Sessions

Q: My elder sister passed on recently at age 93 from cancer and old age.  She has visited me four times in my dreams that felt so real. The first time she ignored me but, otherwise, we communicated. She looked healthy, happy, and younger. Did she feel as I felt, that she was intentionally visiting me? Was that a one-way communication or two-way? 

A: It’s a sacred honor to assist a beloved elder and help you remember how life is set up.  Sensing ‘departed’ loved ones while awake or asleep is very common; my term for these experiences is afterlife contacts.

The first term used by Guggenheim and others for this category of afterlife evidence was ‘after-death communication’ (ADC).  However, the term ‘death’ is a misnomer since no one really dies – just the earthly form does.  Further, the word ‘death’ carries inaccurate connotations of ‘an end’ and ‘separation’ for some people.  As such, I propose shifting from ‘after-death’ to ‘afterlife.’

In addition, I use the term ‘contact’ instead of ‘communication.’  Why?  Because not all of these afterlife visits involve communication per se.  For example, some very meaningful dream contacts involve ‘just’ seeing those who have passed on; they look younger, healthier, and happier.  Eye contact is made and the person on earth awakens feeling more peaceful and assured that their loved ones are very much alive, well, and in contact.
Another reason I use the term ‘contact’ is for easier translation into other languages.  People worldwide want and need to learn more about afterlife matters; I’m certain the word ‘contact’ is more easily translated than ‘communication’.

For these reasons, I propose using the term ‘afterlife contacts’ with the acronym ALC.  We are, after all, quite early in the process of understanding the nature of reality.  It’s very important to use the most accurate terms – even if that requires learning new ones and discarding older ones that don’t optimally reflect contemporary understandings.

The beautiful descriptions of your dream ALCs are similar to those reported by many others: it felt so real, the person who changed worlds looked younger and healthier, it left you with more peace and comfort.

Regarding your question about her awareness of your interaction, you’ve probably heard the old saying ‘It takes two to tango’.  Similarly, it takes two for a meaningful interaction with both parties acting as senders and receivers.  She likely was more aware of what happened since she no longer suffers from tunnel vision from a limited human brain.

She no doubt felt the same joy you did by more deeply realizing that life and love are eternal.  What’s more, I doubt that she ignored you during the first dream.  More likely, you weren’t able to detect her presence yet.  Limitations in contact with postmaterial loved ones is often the result of the human not receiving, not their transmission.

You can likely improve your perception of loved ones in the next realm – people and pets – with the information in article #9 listed below.  To learn more about these topics, read:

#28 Afterlife Contacts

#9 Visit Your ‘Departed’ Loved Ones Now

Shining Light Parents Speak’ book now available!
From October 2023 through March 2024, I interviewed 130 parents with one or more children who have passed on.  These parents are among the most loving, joyful, peaceful, and service-oriented people I know.  That’s why they are called Shining Light Parents.  They, along with near-death experiencers and others with profound spiritually transformative experiences, offer real hope for helping many people and our world.

Their words of wisdom and inspiration are priceless for all people with a loved one — person or pet — who has graduated from earth-school.  These amazing parents share how they got through their ‘dark night of the soul’, perceive their ‘departed’ loved ones, and find the silver linings to this and other changes in life.  Highly recommended reading for all people on the spiritual path!

To purchase the Shining Light Parents Speak paperback, e-book, and/or audiobook, visit

(also available at  


I hope this newsletter helps you remember more deeply who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside you always. May you always know the big picture of life, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned — no matter what is happening to or going on around you.

Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!


NOTE: As long as my schedule allows, I will provide answers — at no charge — to your biggest questions, and holistic solutions for your toughest challenges.  Email me at for my brief but information and resource-packed recommendations.  (For those who want more personalized and detailed input, see Counseling & Coaching Sessions.)


Over the last 50 years, I’ve created powerful resources for you and your loved ones.  These powerful tools can help you awaken, heal, revitalize, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy this earthly experience.

  1. You CAN handle life’s toughest difficulties with style, find meaning and blessings to adversity, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned.  (The capitalized version of you denotes your higher self / totality of who you really are.)

FREE Resources

  1.  Articles that provide answers and holistic solutions for the toughest questions and challenges people face during their earthly journey.
  2.  Radio Showswith top experts on afterlife, consciousness, and full potential living.  My guests included Wayne Dyer, Gary Schwartz, Caroline Myss, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Michael Newton, and other luminaries.
  3.  Newsletters:sign upat and
  4.  Videos on YouTube

Books and Audio Programs

Learn about these inexpensive but powerful resources at Shop.  For example, Past Life Regression or Pre-Birth Planning sessions with a highly trained therapist may cost $250 or more.  My $15 audio products provide a similar experience to a one-on-one session.  You can use the audio products repeatedly at home and share them with loved ones.  (I created the Facilitated After-Death Communication and Ask Your Soul, G.O.D., and Angels techniques and am not aware of anyone else offering those.)

NOTE: If you truly cannot afford the books and audio programs, email me at and we’ll send a free digital product.  (This makes my life and world-transformative products available to all people worldwide.)

Visit Counseling Sessions with Dr. Pitstick to learn about a one-hour counseling with me via Zoom.  I take a detailed history about you, your challenges / imbalances, and your goals.  Then I design a personalized holistic program to help you achieve those goals.  These sessions take 1 1/2 hours of my time and the charge is $125.  (Because of my busy schedule, I cannot offer these for free.)


I hope all this helps you more deeply remember who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside / within you always.  May you always know the big picture of life, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned — no matter what is happening to or going on around you.

Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!
