Soul Proof News 

February 2025

Dear Soul Proof family,

I hope you are enjoying more peace, joy, and gratitude as you increasingly know your real nature and fulfill your purposes for visiting earth at this time.

Before I answer some great questions, here are two FREE interviews with one of the wisest teachers I know of.  (Yes, of course, I’m talking about myself.😅)

First, Sandra Champlain, author of  ‘We Don’t Die’ and interviewer extraordinaire, and I had a wonderful conversation.  She is one of most loving, wise, soulful, and funny people I know.  You can watch it here:

Next, I was interviewed by Charissa Sims, host of Humanitys Team live events.  Humanity’s Team is a wonderful organization started by Neale Donald Walsch 20 years ago.  Visit to see their many magnificent speakers and outreaches.  To watch our interview, click here

Questions & Answers

Q: Why or how it is that so many millions of people would choose to suffer with their children starving to death in very poor countries?

Kudos for asking such a great and potentially heart-expanding question.  An underlying question is ‘How can a loving, intelligent, and powerful Creator allow such abject suffering?’

The lessons that starving people can learn are deep and powerful, thus that choice – on a soul level – by many.  The words of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross MD were so wise about this.  Through a channeler, Dr. Ross was communicating with a soul who was planning a visit to earth.  This soul / person said, ‘When I come back to earth, I’m going to choose to be a child who starves to death.’  Elisabeth, a very outspoken person, said ‘What kind of idiot would choose that?’  The person said, Oh Elisabeth, it would enhance my compassion so greatly!’

Take a few slow deep breaths and let that otherworldly perspective sink in a bit.  The limited human brain sees chaos, injustice, and cruelty at every turn.  The awakened mind / consciousness knows it’s all good, it’s all G.O.D.

This enlightened state of mind in no way condones suffering or justifies inaction.  We each should do all we can to minimize suffering AND, at the same time, realize that each person is an eternal soul who has agendas that we can’t fathom.

Read article #25 Pre-Birth Planning: Did I REALLY Choose All This? to learn more about this fascinating and complex topic.  There is ample clinical and experiential evidence that convinces me that souls choose horrible earthly circumstances for very good cosmic reasons.  Understanding more about the big picture of life is needed to see how this is so.

Using the Pre-Birth Planning audio program helps you move beyond mere words and remember this broader view of life.

Articles to help you do this include:
#15 The Nature of Humans

#19 The Great News

#29 Optimally Handling Suffering

#78 Why Did God Take My Loved One?

#118 Who and What Are You Really?

When people / souls suffer and starve, it can . . .

1. wake and shake up those who are slumbering through this earthly experience.

2. provide opportunities for care givers to practice their skills and do what they can.

3. allow an early exit point for those who don’t need or want a long earthly experience.

4. help people take responsibility, for example, birth control if babies can’t be fed.

5. contribute to a worldwide awakening because of this and other deep suffering.

6. balance karma if they mistreated others in another ‘past’ slice of life.

7. increase their appreciation of ‘the little things’ in life for those who are addicted to excess materialism in other space-time experiences.

If I can think of that many reasons why souls would choose suffering, I’m sure there are many more from a cosmic perspective.  To you and all readers, let me know if you have additional questions after using the Pre-Birth Planning audio program several times with the intention to more deeply understand this seeming horror.

Q:  It’s been just brutal for me to get through the grief after my sweetheart passed on.  I know she is alive and well but I’d like to sense her better.  Any suggestions?  

A: Bravo for wanting to create a different but very real relationship with her now.  I recommend the following:

1. Read article #70 Holistic Breathing Technique and use the Holistic Breathing audio program for a month to release deep pain, sadness, fear, and other lower energies and emotions.  Your dear one is in a realm more characterized by higher energies of peace, joy, love, and gratitude.  Your shift to those emotions and ways of being enables more clear perception of her and other postmaterial loved ones.

2. Read articles #1, 60, and 115 at so you know the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence that now definitively proves that life continues after bodily death.  This evidence is also presented in my short book ‘The Afterlife Evidence‘.

3. Read article #6 Evidential Mediums and consider having a session to increase your knowing that she is alive, well, and still part of your life.

4. Read article #28 Afterlife Contacts to learn how common spontaneous signs and visits from postmaterial loved ones are.  This will help you better detect waking and dream-time visits with her.

5. Read article #9 Visit with Your ‘Departed’ Loved Ones NOW to learn how to increase the frequency and clarity of visits.

6. After reading those articles and using Holistic Breathing for a month, use the Afterlife Contact audio program.

7. Read article #82 Greater Reality HEALING Program: Journeying FROM Deeply Grieving TO Brightly Shining.  Subscribe to the and free newsletters to learn when free online meetings and groups form in late spring 2025.

One very important lesson you’ll learn from this article is the importance of serving others to honor your dear one.  This helps you transmute lower energies into higher ones and accelerates your healing and positive transformations.

Another key is to look for the silver linings that also accompanying adverse, use them personally, and share them with others.  Many people have done this and you can too.  Taking the high road with all this will make her so proud and joyful.  It will also fulfill the soul plans that you two soulmates likely created before visiting earth.

To you and other readers, let me know how you’re doing after 60 days of this holistic program and we’ll go from there.


See below for a list of FREE evidence-based information and holistic resources to help you and your loved ones: 

  1. remember you are eternal beings of energy / consciousness / light who are one with Source Energy
  2. heal and optimally transform yourself holistically.
  3. identify and fulfill your highest purposes for being on earth at this time.
  4. create the greatest life you have envisioned.
  5. serve others and make our world a better place.

To learn more about the nature of reality / how life is set up, see article #19 The Great News’.

The above goals are practically achievable – on a personal and planetary level – in the next five years due to a combination of auspicious factors that dovetail.  To learn more, read article #125 Eight Developments for Widespread Conscious Living Now.

Thank you for sharing this evidence based information and holistic resources with others.

Hugs, love, blessings, and shining brightly!


NOTE: As long as my schedule allows, I will provide answers — at no charge — to your biggest questions, and holistic solutions for your toughest challenges.  Email me at for brief but information and resource-packed recommendations.  (For those who want more personalized and detailed assistance, see Counseling & Coaching Sessions.)


Over the last 50 years, I’ve created powerful resources for you and your loved ones.  These powerful tools can help you awaken, heal, revitalize, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy this earthly experience.

You CAN handle life’s toughest difficulties with style, find meaning and blessings to adversity, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned.  (The capitalized version of you denotes your higher self / totality of who you really are.)

FREE Resources

1.  Articles that provide answers and holistic solutions for the toughest questions and challenges people face during their earthly journey.

2.  Radio Shows with top experts on afterlife, consciousness, and full potential living.  My guests included Wayne Dyer, Gary Schwartz, Caroline Myss, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Michael Newton, and other luminaries.

3.  Newsletters: sign up at and

4.  Videos on YouTube

Books and Audio Programs

Learn about these inexpensive but powerful resources at Shop.

I created the Facilitated Afterlife Contact and Ask Your Soul, Angels, and The Light techniques and am not aware of anyone else offering those.  My products are priced so most everyone can afford them.  For example, Past Life Regression or Pre-Birth Planning sessions with a highly trained therapist may cost $300 or much more, but my $15 audios provide a similar experience.   You can use the audio products repeatedly at home and share them with loved ones.

NOTE: If you truly cannot afford the books and audio programs, email and we’ll send free digital products.  (We want these healing and transformative products to be available for all people worldwide.)

Visit Counseling Sessions with Dr. Pitstick to learn about a one-hour counseling via Zoom.  I take a detailed history and ask about your challenges, symptoms, and goals.  Then I design a personalized holistic program to help you achieve those goals.  These sessions take 1 1/2 hours of my time but the charge is only $125.  (Because of my busy schedule, I cannot offer these for free.)