(If you haven’t already, please read the information under top tab Greater Reality Programs first)

As ‘pie-in-the-sky’ as it might sound, it is possible to greatly help yourself, others, and our world.  Part of the formula is remembering who you really are, why you are here, and Who walks beside you always.   Eleven keys in this program allow you to transmute lower energies from past physical, emotional, and/or mental wounds into higher ones that help all people and our planet.

And that, in turn, reminds you about the big picture of life – ‘The Great News’ and ‘The 7 Developments’ – and live accordingly.  To learn more, see article #119 Greater Reality HELPING Yourself, Others, and Our World.

Again, please subscribe to the free newsletters at SoulProof.com and SoulPhone.org to receive updates.  You’ll learn more about implementing this program during Greater Reality LIVING and HEALING online and in-person meetings.