How would you live, and treat yourself and others, if you really knew how magnificently life is set up?

Drs. Pitstick and Schwartz wrote the Greater Reality Living book.  With co-author Katta Mapes MA, MEd, they also wrote The Big Picture of Life — a version of Greater Reality Living for ages 10 – 16 or so. 

Greater reality” is a term that describes the totality of life / all that exists.  A primary cause of needless fear is that the vast majority of life cannot be detected by most humans, but is nonetheless very real.  Your brain and five senses, as amazing as they are, detect much less than 1% of reality.  For example, what is visible to the human eye is just a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Reality is defined as the state of things as they actually exist.  Because so much of life escapes the senses, you likely have viewed it as though through a tiny pinhole, and then wondered why things don’t make sense.  As the old saying goes, “There is much more to life than meets the eye.”  Most people readily agree with this statement, but don’t realize its numerous and wonderful implications.

“Greater reality living” is our phrase that invites you to consider how you might live and treat others – and yourself – when you really know ‘The Great News’ about how life is set up.  These descriptions about the nature of reality are based on much scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence and includes: no one really dies, you can see your ‘departed’ loved ones again, you are an integral part of Source Energy, and more.  (To see the entire list, read article #19 on this site.)

Many people have expressed their desire to meet with open-minded and open-hearted people online and in their community.  They want a safe, nonjudgmental, inclusive, and respectful place where they can learn more about evidence for ‘The Great News’, share their personal experiences, learn meaningful answers to life’s biggest questions and challenges, meet other kindred spirits, and help others and our world.  To this end, Mark founded Greater Reality Living groups that started in 2020 but stopped due to Covid.  Online and local groups will resume in 2025 after: 

   1. official and world-wide announcements of scientific proof of life after death 

     2. public demonstrations of existing SoulPhone technology showing contact with postmaterial persons

To learn more, visit Greater Reality Living on the website.  Also, subscribe to and newsletters to receive updates about the above events and groups.  

the big picture of life