Dr. Pitstick is a frequent media guest and former radio show host. For over 50 years, he has helped many thousands of people who are searching, struggling, and/or suffering. As such, he knows exactly what your audience’s biggest questions and challenges are about life, death, and the afterlife.
Dr. Pitstick’s practical and life-changing answers and solutions are based on scientific, clinical, religious / spiritual, and/or experiential evidence. To contact him, email mark@soulproof.com
Show Ideas
- The SoulPhone Project: What Is It and How Can It Help All People and Our World?
- Convincing and Comforting Proof That Life Continues After Bodily Death
- Reincarnation: Do You Live More Than Just This One Life?
- New Evidence Reveals That You Can —Without a Doubt— See Your Departed Loved Ones Again
- Afterlife Contacts: 3 Ways to Know If You’ve Had a Visit from ‘The Other Side’
- “I Was Married Three Times–Which One Will Be My Husband in the Afterlife?” and Other Afterlife Relationship Questions
- My Loved One Committed Suicide. What Will Happen to Him?
- 3 Things You Must Know If You Are Dying
- Learn Evidence-Based Answers to Life’s Age-Old Questions: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What Happens When I Die? Is There a God? Why Is There So Much Suffering? How Can I Best Live While on Earth? and more.
- These Common Religious Teachings Actually Do More Harm Than Good
- 3 Keys to Handling Your Greatest Challenges and Tragedies
- Why Did God Take My Child Away? How to Survive and Even Thrive When a Little One In Your Life Passes On
- How Can I Identify and Fulfill My Soul’s Missions and Purpose?
Sample interview questions
- What made you explore this topic and want to share it with others?
- I understand you have convincing evidence that no one really dies?
- What can you say to reassure those whose loved ones have died?
- What do you say to skeptics who believe this news is just too good to be true?
- What does your research reveal about what heaven and hell are really?
- Can you share a few examples of people whose lives have been touched by the Soul Proof and SoulPhone programs?
- Does reincarnation really exist?
- What are “afterlife contacts” and how do I know if I’ve had one?
- What do you say to families with a child who has passed on?
- What happens to the souls of people who commit suicide?
- You mentioned “3 things you must know before you die.” What are they?
- How can I learn my soul’s special mission and purpose?
- Do people find that this information seems to make life easier and more sensible?
- What final comments do you have for our audience?
- How can listeners learn more about these topics?
Controversy points
- No one really dies.
- Some religious denominations scare people away from God.
- Some religious teachings are wrong.
- Suicide is not an unforgiveable sin or one-way ticket to hell.
- Deceased loved ones are smiling down at us while we grieve at their gravesites.
- God is not a big guy in the sky.
- afterlife contacts have been experienced by 25% of people in general, 66% of widows, and over 75% of parents whose children die
- nearly 8% of Americans have experienced a near-death or out-of-body experience.
- 1/3 of people believe in ghosts
- over 45,000 Christian denominations exist worldwide
- 30% of Christians and many people in other religions believe in reincarnation
- less than 20% of Americans now regularly attend church services
- despite evidence of afterlife, many people still fear death