Dr. Pitstick is a frequent media guest and former radio show host.  For over 50 years, he has helped many thousands of people who are searching, struggling, and/or suffering.  As such, he knows exactly what your audience’s biggest questions and challenges are about life, death, and the afterlife.

Dr. Pitstick’s practical and life-changing answers and solutions are based on scientific, clinical, religious / spiritual, and/or experiential evidence.  To contact him, email mark@soulproof.com

Mark’s Bio

Show Ideas

  1. The SoulPhone Project: What Is It and How Can It Help All People and Our World?
  2. Convincing and Comforting Proof  That Life Continues After Bodily Death
  3. Reincarnation: Do You Live More Than Just This One Life?
  4. New Evidence Reveals That You Can —Without a Doubt— See Your Departed Loved Ones Again
  5. Afterlife Contacts: 3 Ways to Know If You’ve Had a Visit from ‘The Other Side’
  6. “I Was Married Three Times–Which One Will Be My Husband in the Afterlife?” and Other Afterlife Relationship Questions
  7. My Loved One Committed Suicide. What Will Happen to Him?
  8. 3 Things You Must Know If  You Are Dying
  9. Learn Evidence-Based Answers to Life’s Age-Old Questions: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What Happens When I Die? Is There a God?  Why Is There So Much Suffering?  How Can I Best Live While on Earth? and more.
  10. These Common Religious Teachings Actually Do More Harm Than Good
  11. 3 Keys to Handling Your Greatest Challenges and Tragedies
  12. Why Did God Take My Child Away? How to Survive and Even Thrive When a Little One In Your Life Passes On
  13. How Can I Identify and Fulfill My Soul’s Missions and Purpose?

Sample interview questions

  1. What made you explore this topic and want to share it with others?
  2. I understand you have convincing evidence that no one really dies?
  3. What can you say to reassure those whose loved ones have died?
  4. What do you say to skeptics who believe this news is just too good to be true?
  5. What does your research reveal about what heaven and hell are really?
  6. Can you share a few examples of people whose lives have been touched by the Soul Proof and SoulPhone programs?
  7. Does reincarnation really exist?
  8. What are “afterlife contacts” and how do I know if I’ve had one?
  9. What do you say to families with a child who has passed on?
  10. What happens to the souls of people who commit suicide?
  11. You mentioned “3 things you must know before you die.” What are they?
  12. How can I learn my soul’s special mission and purpose?
  13. Do people find that this information seems to make life easier and more sensible?
  14. What final comments do you have for our audience?
  15. How can listeners learn more about these topics?

Controversy points

  1. No one really dies.
  2. Some religious denominations scare people away from God.
  3. Some religious teachings are wrong.
  4. Suicide is not an unforgiveable sin or one-way ticket to hell.
  5. Deceased loved ones are smiling down at us while we grieve at their gravesites.
  6. God is not a big guy in the sky.


  1. afterlife contacts have been experienced by 25% of people in general, 66% of widows, and over 75% of parents whose children die
  2. nearly 8% of Americans have experienced a near-death or out-of-body experience.
  3. 1/3 of people believe in ghosts
  4. over 45,000 Christian denominations exist worldwide
  5. 30% of Christians and many people in other religions believe in reincarnation
  6. less than 20% of Americans now regularly attend church services
  7. despite evidence of afterlife, many people still fear death