Greater Reality Living book


Much evidence strongly indicates that bodily death is not the end of your life, but rather an entry point into the next phase of forever. This evidence, combined with a highly probable emergence of spirit communication technology as early as 2018, will very likely create a major shift in the human experience.

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Much evidence strongly indicates that bodily death is not the end of your life, but rather an entry point into the next phase of forever. This evidence, combined with a highly probable emergence of spirit communication technology as early as 2018, will very likely create a major shift in the human experience.

Our goal is to provide an evidence-based integrative foundationfor expanding your awareness of the greater reality, the 99.9 percent of life that cannot be perceived by your five senses. We hope to prepare you and as many people as possible to realize that life is eternal. From that perspective, you can perhaps best choose how to live, treat others and enjoy greater reality living.

Please read those two paragraphs again and then answer the following questions:

1. Would you like to learn the collective evidence that life continues after bodily death?

2. Do you want to internalize the great news that you are a forever being?

3. Are you ready to vitalize your holistically so you can handle all of life’s demands, changes and challenges with style?

4. Would you like to enjoy the many benefits of # 1 – 3?

5. Serve others to help them and yourself – and make the world a better place.

If you answered ‘yes’ to one or more of the questions, you may be pleasantly surprised at what you will learn in this book.


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