The Eleven Questions book


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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Life, Death, and Afterlife

Have you ever stared at the stars—or the ceiling—and wished you had sensible answers to life’s biggest questions?  After working with many suffering and dying adults and children, Mark searched for 40 years.  His answers, and those of his guests, will help you—no matter what is going on in your life—enjoy your earth-experience with more peace, clarity, enthusiasm, and sense of adventure!

The Guests:

Raymond Moody, PhD, MD; Caroline Myss, MA; Anita Moorjani, Bernie Siegel, MD; Stan Grof, MD, PhD; Gary Schwartz, PhD; Bill Guggenheim, P.M.H. Atwater, LHD; Marilyn Schlitz, PhD; Karen Wyatt, MD; Mark Anthony, JD

The Questions

  1. Who am I?
  2. Why am I here?  If I really am an infinite being of energy/consciousness/spirit, why in the world would I want to visit a place like Earth?
  3. What happens after I die?  If there’s an afterlife, is it the same for everyone or are there different possible experiences?
  4. Is there a God/Higher Power/Source?  If there is, what is this phenomenon like and what is our relationship to It?
  5. Why is there suffering?  This issue is especially difficult to understand when children suffer and die.
  6. Will I see my departed loved ones again?  If so, how can I best communicate with them now?
  7. Are there really ghosts and evil spirits?  What are they?
  8. What happens to the soul/life-force of people who commit suicide?
  9. How can I best hear my inner self’s voice and know my highest purposes?
  10. How can I evolve beyond my earlier religious teachings that don’t make sense to me now?  Examples are teachings about an eternal hell, we were born into sin, there’s only one true religion, being gay is sinful, etc.
  11. How can this information help me deal with my toughest challenges and make the world a better place?


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