From well-known and trusted experts
“Mark has assembled a wealth of evidence about our spiritual natures that can be immensely comforting and healing . . .”
“I love your book, especially its spiritual context. . . Keep on writing and sharing!”
“A powerful approach to centering your life.”
“A balanced, sensible approach for the creation of a harmonious interaction between all the elements and forces that structure your life.”
“Dr. Pitstick has assembled a marvelous treasure house of techniques, advice, and wisdom designed for anyone who wishes to reach his or her spiritual potential and, in doing so, further the evolution of humanity in the process.”
From around the world
“Your website changed my life. I now feel happier about myself. You help me put what my subconscious was ‘feeling’ into conscious ‘thinking’. I really am a timeless soul; thanks to you, I now realize this. It may sound like a small thing, but to me it is just the beginning.”
“My daughter and mother died last year. I don’t think I would have made it without your help in understanding what life and the afterlife are all about.”
“I want to let you know how much your work has touched my life. I feel a sense of peace that I’ve not experienced in my life before. I’ve always felt like I’ve been on the outside looking in; now I know I am a special being who deserves to be happy! Thank you so much.”
“You’ve definitely improved my outlook on life. I now feel that I can fulfill my potential here on earth AND look forward to the afterlife. Thanks again.”
“Thank you for helping so many people. It is very difficult living here and I am very grateful for your wisdom that helps me live with faith.”
“I ordered your book and was delighted and fascinated with the information within. Soon after, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and, interestingly, while the doctor gave the prognosis to me, I found myself calm, and surrounded by what I can only describe as love. “I honestly feel that reading your book helped marshal my courage to deal with this crisis.”