by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
If you’ve not already, please read . . .
- ‘The Great News‘ (article #19 at
- ‘Eight Developments for Widespread Conscious Living Now’ (#125)
- Greater Reality LIVING Program: Integrating ‘The 8 Developments’ Into Your Daily Life (#72)
- Greater Reality HEALING Program: Journeying FROM Deeply Grieving TO Brightly Shining (#82)
The evidence-based information and holistic resources outlined in these articles will help you to:
- realize your true nature as an eternal being of consciousness / life-force / energy
- receive guidance and assistance from highly evolved energies and Source / The Light
- heal old wounds, release lower energies, and update erroneous teachings
- create the greatest life YOU have envisioned (YOU = your higher self / soul)
- help others by sharing your greatest gifts
- make our world a better place
As enough people do this, widespread personal and planetary change will naturally unfold.
When You Have Been Abused
Many people have been mentally, physically, and/or sexually abused. This article shares how you can survive, heal, and even transform yourself for the better.
In a perfect world, no one would be abused. However, as you may have noticed, earth is not yet a place of complete balance and harmony. The question is: do you want to perpetuate the same lower energy emotions that created the abuse, or rise above it and take a higher path?
No matter what you have endured, you can always choose the high road.
After working with some abusers and many abused persons, I have gained insights into the causes and solutions. One family in particular provided deep understandings. I altered their names and details of their story to preserve confidentiality for the surviving family members. Jeff and Justine were the parents; Alice, Lucy, and Trey were the three children.
As a child, Jeff was mentally and physically abused by his alcoholic father. His parents divorced when he was eight years old and, in the midst of the depression, his mother couldn’t afford to raise both her children. She sent Jeff to an orphanage where he received additional mental and physical abuse. In addition, he may have been sexually abused. Although he denied it, his horrible actions as a parent fit the profile. An aunt and uncle took Jeff into their home when he was a teenager but sent him back to the orphanage.
Justine’s mother was mentally ill. It wasn’t diagnosed in those days and her overly punitive actions were seen by some as stern but fair parental upbringing. But it was mental and physical abuse all the same. Justine’s father was very strict and largely absent. She denied being sexually abused but, as with Jeff, it was quite likely.
In their post-abuse imbalanced state, Jeff and Justine met and ‘fell in love.’ They really couldn’t know what love was but were trying to survive and find acceptance and happiness. Over time, they had three children, decent jobs, and a nice house. They tried to create the stable and happy family they didn’t have as children.
However, as you might guess, eventually Jeff and Justine’s unresolved abusive upbringing began to show through. All three children described being mentally, physically, and sexually abused. The parents may have believed they were not ‘sparing the rod and spoiling the child’. But holding a gun to one child’s head, making the other children watch, and taking photos is obviously a sign of serious mental imbalance.
In modern days, the abuse would probably have been discovered and the parents would have gone to prison. But this was in the 1950’s and that didn’t happen.
Each child tried, as best he or she could, to survive:
- Trey moved far away after graduating from high school. His valedictorian speech focused on how those who hurt you can become your most important teachers. He cut off all ties with his parents and never spoke to them again. He didn’t visit when they were dying and didn’t attend their funerals. Certainly no one could blame him for that. He never had children or grandchildren. Trying to leave the past behind was his way of coping with the horrible abuse. However, Trey suffers with significant mental and physical symptoms.
- Lucy married at a young age and focused on creating the happy family she never had. She succeeded admirably and has a good marriage, four well-adjusted children, and wonderful grandchildren. However, Lucy suffers with moderate anxiety, health problems with psychological causes, and an inability to love herself. She kept in touch with her parents some and hoped they would eventually apologize and express love, but they never did. Staying very busy and keeping things inside was her way of coping.
- Alice became a health care provider and mother of three. Like Lucy, she sought to create the loving family that wasn’t there as a child. In addition, however, Alice sought counseling, energy work, release techniques, and other natural healing modalities so the abuse didn’t define who she was. As a result, she was compassionate and helped a lot as her parents were elderly and dying.Alice knew that forgiveness would benefit her first and foremost. She worked hard to focus on healing the past and optimizing the future. Because of this, Alice avoided sublimating her feelings, being perpetually angry, or seeing herself as a helpless victim. She focused on remembering that she is a timeless being of energy who may have chosen the adversity to grow and evolve. She coped in all these impressive ways.
As a psychologist and holistic physician who knew each family member, I found the dynamics to be fascinating. As Jeff and Justine became older, they supposedly had no memory of their horrific actions when the children were young. They wondered why their children and grandchildren never or rarely visited and called. Their life became empty shells and they sought to fill the void with traveling. Others who met them thought they were normal and sweet people. But their children knew they were monsters who could be like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde around others.
After Jeff and Justine’s passed on, the children had an opportunity to heal, leave the past behind, and find the blessings. The jury is still out on how that will work.
* * * * * * *
If you have been abused, the following holistic keys can help you survive, heal, and transform.
1. Don’t blame yourself. It’s quite common for abused people to feel responsible even though they were little children at the time. Abused children and wives – the most common victims – often assume they were to blame somehow. Whenever you become aware of self-critical thoughts, gently say: “It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t deserve it, but I do deserve to be happy and healthy.”
2. Seek help from health care professionals. Having a holistic team is very useful for releasing old wounds and healing.Abuse is so common; your health care providers will not blame or judge you. I recommend that your team include two or more of the following:
a. Counselor: mental health professional and/or pastoral counselor
b. Doctor of chiropractic since physical and emotional abuse can lodge in your muscles, spine, skeleton, and skull. Misaligned bones and chronically spasmed muscles can also cause nerve pressure that contributes to many symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Some chiropractic physicians are trained in emotional release techniques such as Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET).
c. Licensed acupuncturist: traditional Chinese medicine recognizes stuck / stagnant energy /chi from all forms of abuse. This millennia old approach is invaluable.
d. Nutrition-based practitioner who helps organs and systems rebalance via a real food diet, whole food supplements, and herbs. To learn more, see article #32 at com. Visit or to find a well-trained professional near you.
e. Massage therapist who uses deep tissue techniques and understands that you may have an emotional release on the table.
f. Integrative medical doctor who honors your strong preference to not take mind-numbing and potentially harmful drugs unless absolutely necessary for a while.
3. Ask for spiritual healing: pray for help from the Source, angels, guides, or whatever terms you prefer for higher energy assistants / assistance. Seek and you shall find . . .
4. Release old pain and suffering: my Holistic Breathing Technique allows you to rid yourself of stuck energy, past wounds, and limiting / erroneous ways of thinking and behaving. To learn more, see article #70.
5. Care for your temple. The past abuse has likely thrown off your body and brain in subtle or major ways. Optimal self care can, over time, reverse those negative effects and help you feel happy, energetic, and healthy – perhaps for the first time. The information and strategies involved cannot be covered in a short article. To learn more, read articles #12, 26, and 87 and see my book Radiant Wellness.
6. Lean on others. Share your challenges with trusted family and friends. You don’t have to go through life with a deep dark secret. Kindred spirits can help you immeasurably.
7. Don’t worry about the abuser receiving justice. The universe is exquisitely designed and operates at a higher level of fairness than we can fathom. Don’t waste any energy wishing torment for your abuser; he or she was obviously imbalance and will go through future experiences to learn that we should never mistreat anyone.
8. Look at the big picture. Horrible events like abuse contain the power to awaken you to who you are and why you are here. Spiritually transformative experiences are often triggered by near-death experiences, violent encounters, and other unpleasant but potentially life-changing events. Your abuser may actually be a contrast soul, that is, a soulmate who – out of love – took on a dark guise to help you in ways not possible with an easy life. To learn more about why you may chosen the possibility of this abuse, see article #25 Pre-Birth Planning.
9. Forgive and forget. As illustrated by the history of Jeff and Justine, abusers are often abused when they were young. As a result, they consider it normal or somehow justifiable. As with Alice, you will benefit the most when you forgive and let it be. You can choose to take the high road with this so you and others will benefit from your upgraded consciousness and love. See article #40 The Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness Technique.
* * * * * * *
Thank you for telling others about this article! Your life, and that of others around you, will be more enriched when you:
- read the article again so you really know it.
- discuss with close family and friends to more deeply internalize it.
- take action steps that seem right for you.
- share it with others via social media, discussion groups, and other ways.
Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
author, lecturer, counselor, and holistic chiropractic physician; spokesperson, research assistant, and strategic planner for the SoulPhone Project; founder of Greater Reality Living, Healing, Helping, and Sharing Programs
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is a master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, and clinical nutritionist. He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings. His goal is to help you know and show that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.
To learn more about the Greater Reality LIVING, HEALING, HELPING, and SHARING Programs, visit ‘Greater Reality Programs’ top tab at and Also see articles #19, 72, 82, 119, 122, and 125 at provides many FREE resources:
- 8 e-books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
- 10 audio programs Holistic Breathing; Afterlife Contact; Ask Your Soul, Angels, and The Light; Pre-Birth Planning; Identify and Fulfill Your Purposes AND Enjoy Your Greatest Life; Your Life Review; Appreciate, Realize, and Transform; Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness; Past Life Regression; Heal and Transform Your Suffering
- 4 audio books (Greater Reality Living, Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, and Shining Light Parents Speak; we don’t have control over the others)
- 125 Articles (as of 3/1/25) answering the most commonly asked questions and providing holistic solutions for your toughest challenges
- 25 Radio Shows: interviews with experts on consciousness, afterlife, and creating an optimal earthly experience. These include Wayne Dyer, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton, Caroline Myss, and others.
- 27 Videos on different pages
- Monthly newsletters (subscriber sign-up at bottom of each website page)
Instead of payment, he asks that you: (1) fully use and appreciate the products, (2) share them with others, and (3) help others in ways you feel called, that is, pay it forward.
The following are also available for a fee:
- 8 printed books Radiant Wellness, Soul Proof, The Eleven Questions, Greater Reality Living, The Big Picture of Life, The Afterlife Evidence, Ask the Soul Doctor, and Shining Light Parents Speak
- Coaching / Counseling Sessions with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your biggest questions and holistic solutions to your toughest challenges.
Note: This article is intended as a reference source, not to replace professional treatment for physical, emotional, or mental problems. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the voluntary use of action steps discussed in article.
I created this article while ‘wearing the hat’ of a clinician, counselor, and educator. My statements are based upon some scientific research; much clinical and experiential evidence; my personal experiences; and my best current understandings. This program does not reflect my roles with the SoulPhone Project since those require solid scientific data for all statements.