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  • The Afterlife Evidence

    For the first time in human history, you can know – without a doubt – that life after death is real. The collective evidence validates afterlife teachings by religious and spiritual groups over the millennia. You can now breathe a huge sigh of relief, release all fear that death is an end, and enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned If you would like the paperback version of this book, please select the quantity below. If you would like the downloadable PDF ebook version, check the box below. If you want to buy an audiobook click here.
  • The Big Picture of Life

    Many young people want good answers to life's biggest questions: Who am I? ‘Why am I here? What happens after I die? How can I best live?” and others. In this book, they'll find the answers. This is a downloadable audio book and no physical book will be mailed to you. If you would like the paperback version of this book, please select the quantity below. If you would like the downloadable PDF ebook version, check the box below. If you want to buy an audiobook click here.
  • Much evidence strongly indicates that bodily death is not the end of your life, but rather an entry point into the next phase of forever. This evidence, combined with a highly probable emergence of spirit communication technology as early as 2018, will very likely create a major shift in the human experience. If you would like the paperback version of this book, please select a quantity below. If you would like the downloadable PDF ebook version, check the box below.
  • Soul Proof book

    Here's the big question for you and your life . . . If you really knew you are a timeless being of energy / indestructible soul / eternal spiritual being, how would you live and treat yourself and others? Digital Download Audiobook Version: If you have trouble playing the audio files directly on your iPhone or iPad, please download the files onto a computer and upload them to your device via iTunes.
  • If you would like the paperback version of this book, please select a quantity below. If you would like the downloadable PDF ebook version, check the box below. If you want to buy audiobook click here.
  • Radiant Wellness book


    You have a miraculous, magnificent body. You possess a powerful mind with rich emotions. You are a timeless spirit being. Are you ready to fine-tune yourself and live accordingly?

    Digital Download Version: If you have trouble playing the audio files directly on your iPhone or iPad, please download the files onto a computer and upload them to your device via iTunes.


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